Why can not a full marathon world record cut two hours?
The full marathon is a track and field competition ranking at a distance of 42.195 km and the current world record is from Kenya2 hours 3 minutes 23 seconds by Wilson KipsangIt has become. It is 3 minutes and 24 seconds to break the 2 hour record, but it became clear that the wall of the 2 hour time can not be broken.
Why a Sub-2: 00 Marathon Will not Happen Soon | Runner's World & Running Times
"Subsuri" to complete a full marathon within 3 hours, "to complete in 2 hours and 10 minutes"Subten"If you are a Japanese runner you can say that it is an excellent runner if you achieve a subtention. Kipsang players took place on September 29Berlin MarathonSo, we have set up a new record to update the world record for the past 15 seconds. For 2 hours it will take 3 minutes and 24 seconds (= 204 seconds), and if you can cut this, it will be achieved "Sub-Two", but the Runner's World & Running Times, physiologically, I will not be able to do it.
ByChema Concellon
However, in order to achieve the sub-second it is necessary to pack the remaining 204 seconds, so "204 seconds / 26.2 miles (about 42.195 km) = 7.78 seconds" per mile also needs to run fast.
If you can "run 7.78 seconds faster than the current world record", the current record 12 minutes 37 seconds will be updated to 12 minutes and 13 seconds if it is 5000 meters race, as well as the 10000 meter race 26 minutes 17 It will be shrinking from seconds to 25 minutes 29 seconds, half marathon will shrink from 58 minutes 23 seconds to 56 minutes and 41 seconds, but it is not a level that it is difficult to achieve the assumption "if possible".
The Science of SportAccording to Dr. Ross Tucker,Usain · BoltThe player holds an amazing world record of 19 seconds 19 with 200m race but the world record of 400m race is 43 seconds 18.800m race is 1 minute 40 seconds 91 and the pace drops in proportion to the distance I will. This is because physiologically, "suppression" is applied to the body as the distance increases.
ByJosé Goulão
Dr. Tucker, who expressed his view that achieving sub-toes is still more difficult due to physical limitations, is convinced that it will be less than five years before "2 hours, 3 minutes and 00 seconds" is cut off, and the next "2 It is said that it will be able to reach the wall of 2 minutes' time in another ten years from there.
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