"Blizzident" that can customize a toothbrush according to his tooth shape using a 3D printer

Amazon opens "3D Printer Store" handling low-cost 3D printers for individualsAlthough it is a 3D printer that is becoming popular all over the world, such as doing it, the service of customizing a toothbrush suitable for individuals is made available by taking advantage of the merits of "various kinds and small volume production".

Blizzident - Home

This is a toothbrush created by 3D modeling. Although it is a transparent material, it is a bit difficult to understand, but grooves that cover the teeth in the mouth are digged, and brushes are planted inside each groove in accordance with each tooth.

Looking from the side like this. The handle is attached and it is designed to hold it during brushing.

Easy to use. Just put a brush in your mouth like the movie below, just brush for several times, brushing is completed. It's only 6 seconds that time. Furthermore, it is also possible to pass threadlike floss between teeth.

"6 sec toothbrush" - blizzident.com - YouTube

To create this brush, it is necessary to make tooth alignment 3D data. There are two methods, a dentist sending "impression (taking a tooth form)" and converting it to 3D data, and creating a 3D data by yourself and sending it It is possible to choose.


The price you care about is 299 euro (about 39,500 yen), the recommended use period is one year. The cost of impressions creation and data creation is not included in this price. In addition, cleaning + brush exchange is 89 euros (about 12,000 yen), and if it is 13 months after purchasing a new article, it is possible to purchase replacement items at 159 euros (about 21,000 yen). It is possible to ship to Japan, and the shipping fee is included in the item price.

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log