"Fleet gesture (ship this)" to foster anthropomorphic ship daughter animation · Game conversion by PS Vita is decided

A fleet development simulation game that trains ship shelters (kanpu) who personified human warships and naval vessels such as battleships, aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, and creates their own "combined fleet"Kantai Collectrion-Kancolle-It became clear that PS Vita will be a game. Also, it is said that animation planning is in progress as well.

Ship this change (provisional)

According to the official website, it is unknown whether the title is "ship this change (provisional)", until (provisional) up to the official name. Compatible models are PlayStation Vita. KADOKAWA GAME STUDIO is developed, Kadokawa Games Inc. is in charge of release, scheduled release date is 2014.

Also, as there is the character "Animation Planning in Progress", the animation project has started to move. According to the announcement at "KADOKAWA GAME STUDIO MEDIA BRIEFING 2013 AUTUMN" held today, the time will be broadcast after the summer next year, the voice actor will inherit the casting in the current game. The details such as staff at the time of animation, broadcasting and public media, etc. are not clear.

in Anime,   Game, Posted by logc_nt