Boston University sued Apple's patent infringement on iPhone / iPad and other devices

ByEd Bierman

Boston University sued Apple in that "Apple infringes patents acquired in 1997, suffering great and unrecoverable damage". This patent relates to high insulative single crystal gallium nitride thin films, like Samsung, Amazon, and eight manufacturers in the same way a year ago. If the university side wins, it is expected that Apple will pay up to 75 million dollars (about 7.5 billion yen).

Trustees of Boston University v. Apple

BU sues for big bite of Apple | Boston Herald

When talking about patent on iPhone or iPadBattle in a muddent lawsuit with SamsungThere is an image of, but this time Apple sued Boston University.

The allegation of the university is that Apple infringes a patent (patent number 5686738) on 'high insulative single crystal gallium nitride thin film' acquired in 1997 by Dr. Theodore D. Muskastas who taught electronic computer engineering at Boston University I mean being.

This is the patent in question

United States Patent: 5686738,686,738.PN.

Attached Diagram

Currently, the right of this patent is owned by the university, "infringement of rights by the defendant (Apple) continues to give great and irreparable damage to Boston University," the federal district court in Massachusetts It was appealing to. Besides iPhone 5, iPad and MacBook Air are also covered, Boston University sued Samsung, Amazon, and eight other manufacturers before suing Apple.

Boston University and Apple have not announced any comments, but if any one of the companies sued has moved to payment, the trial will be advantageous to the university. Also, if it becomes clear that Dr. Muskasse was going to do business in this patent, we will be more confidently inclined towards the university side.

Before,He asserted the invention of "podcast", appealed Apple and won about 700 million yenThe company holds a patent but does not make a product or service but exercises the right to try reparation or license feePatent · TrollAlthough it was, it seems that this patent is not such kind of thing.

Last year, Apple sold 100 millionth iPad. It is said that the iPhone 5 sold 55 million units only for one month in May 2013,Endpoint Technologies Associates"There is a possibility that the court thinks that Apple is a very costly company and that we do not have to possess so much assets," said Roger Kay, a Boston University with $ 75 million ( About 7.5 billion yen) I will not be surprised if you win compensation. "

in Note,   Hardware, Posted by logc_nt