Four ways to make yourself an excellent knowledge expert


Managers of all organizations, from large organizations to small organizations say they rely on people with "good knowledge" on business and expertise accumulated by years and experiences. A method to acquire this "good knowledge" by himself and to become an excellent expert is introduced.

Make Yourself an Expert - Harvard Business Review

"Best Companies to Work For 2013"Corporate executives within 100 ranked outstanding project leaders said," We do not know what to do without them! " Among the more than 100 interviews we have conducted as part of research on the use and sharing of knowledge, a similar opinion is given on many excellent experts.

"Excellent knowledge" such experts have is not the one that everyone has, it is made up of several experiences, and it is also the know-how such as thought method, decision method, action method which leads to success . Since these are based on experience, it takes a long time for 'good knowledge' to mature.

ByChris Pirillo

This "good knowledge" is obtained by consciously thinking about how experts in your organization work in the organization, and learning from it. The idea and knowledge experience of experts with "excellent knowledge" can be divided into elements according to "behavior" and "knowledge".


However, this model alone is not sufficient in contemporary society where competition is intense. One of the reasons is that experts are aware of their past experience and patterns that work out of successful solutions, so clear "good knowledge" such as how to lead in their own projects is clearly defined It is because I have never represented it. The second reason is that expert colleagues were accustomed to experts claiming "good knowledge". In other words, you need to learn how to extract "good knowledge" from experts.

In order to retrieve 'good knowledge' from the expert, a correct system is necessary, and it is effective to use "OPPTY". "OPPTY" is a framework consisting of the perspectives of Observation, Practice, Partnering and joint problem solving, and Taking responsibilitY.

◆ Observation: Observation

In observation, it is necessary to systematically analyze what kind of work they are working under experts.


◆ Practice: Execution

Execution is to check expert-specific actions and tasks, actually execute them, and get feedback from experts.


◆ Partnering and joint problem solving: Troubleshooting and problem solving

To resolve this alliance and problem solving, positively do with the experts to challenge "Practice" and analyze the result.


◆ Taking responsibilitY: to be responsible

If you can achieve so far, you can take over the role of being responsible later, you can make yourself "excellent knowledge" derived from experts.

ByAlyssa Sison

Even with elaborate applied engineering for data collection and analysis, we depend heavily on "good knowledge" of people in many situations and they are still able to learn from many experts.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii