"Wikipedia Recent Changes Map" where you can see from Wikipedia map where modification of Wikipedia is being done

When an unregistered user edits an article in Wikipedia, since the IP address of the personal computer is confirmed and recorded, the geographical position of the unregistered user is displayed on the world map using the IP address is "Wikipedia Recent Changes Map"is.

Hatnote Recent Changes Map

In the Wikipedia Recent Changes Map, not all Wikipedia users' article edits are mapped, only articles edited by users who have not registered users, so-called unregistered users are displayed. When an unregistered user edits an article in Wikipedia, since the IP address of the PC is confirmed, the geographical position of the unregistered user is displayed using that IP address.

This is the top page of Wikipedia Recent Changes Map. From top to bottom are displayed maps, "Recent changes", "Languages ​​(language)", "What is this map? (What is this map?)".

In the map part, the character "Connecting ..." is displayed when connecting first ... ...

When the connection is over, the map will be displayed. The name of the edited article pops up at the approximate position of the user who edited it.

In "Recent changes", article names edited by unregistered users are displayed in the order of the latest one. As I tried to fly to the "FamilyMart" page just edited ......

The edited part in the article is displayed. The text on the left side is before editing, the right side is after editing, the letters of the change part are highlighted.

Wikipedia in seven different languages, English, German, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, French, Indonesian, can display edits of unregistered users on the map. You can check on the map if you want to select the language you want to see edited in (more than one).

The proportion of English article editing by unregistered Wikipedia users,About 15%And the proportion of the whole is less. Still, as a whole, the article editing is done at about once every three minutes, and the article editing of Wikipedia as a whole is about seven times as large as this, so a ridiculous number of article editing is done in one day I understand that.

Wikipedia article editing in Japanese was done about once every 7.5 minutes.

Survey of 2007It is shown that unregistered users intentionally edit articles in Wikipedia as inappropriate, and Wikipedia Recent Changes Map seems to be useful as a countermeasure against them.

I turned on all the languages, it turned out that editing was done from various regions, and the state that the article editing from the United States is the most number.

Please note that this Wikipedia Recent Changes Map is a JavaScript libraryD3.js, Visualize the data and map itDataMaps, For geographical location of the IP addressFreegeoip.net, To know the new update content of WikipediaIRC FeedsWe use this map to compose this map.

in Web Service, Posted by logu_ii