"World wine museum" which can actually taste more than 200 kinds of wine in 35 countries opens in Granfront Osaka North Building

From European countries with varied wine culture such as Italy, Spain and France, we have a range of wines from familiar countries in Japan such as Georgia and Vietnam "World wine museum"Will open in the Grand Front Osaka scheduled to open in the North Building April 26 (Friday).

"The World's Wine Museum" is located on the basement floor of the Grand Front Osaka North Building.

There are also table seats outside the store.

At the store, I found a food menu.

There are various food menus including 15 kinds of appetizers of 1 coin menu, and it seems that they are putting emphasis on cooking as well as wine.

At the entrance of "The World's Wine Museum", the staff was setting wine bars.

We can taste red wine because it is wine.

Using a huge eyedropper, I squeeze wine and put it in a glass.

It seems like you are being paid wine with a syringe because it is a wine.

As a wine in the "World's Wine Museum", you had a glass of wine poured into a glass with a huge eyedropper - YouTube

The entrance is like a heavy gate, and seems to be committed to the interior.

A table seat with a pop design chair in the immediate place after entering the store.

In the back right of the entrance there is also a bar counter.

There is a leather sofa seat in the back of the table seat.

The table seat where colorful design chairs are lined at the very end of the store.

A chair with a design that brilliant flowers shine in light blue. The wine museum in the world is stuck with the interior, and it is said that desks and chairs designed from adult women are ordered from Italy.

Under the chair there is also a luggage storage and you can feel a detailed attention to the customer.

The wine cellar set up next to the sofa seat was the most impact in the fancy design store.

The wine cellar is said to allow customers to enter and leave freely, so I will go inside.

Entering the wine cellar, a lot of wine on the left side of the wall.

Zlat and wine are also narrowly aligned on the right side of the wall.

The temperature inside the wine cellar is set at 8 ° C and the humidity is set at 50%.

The bar counter at the back of the entrance is like this.

A number of wine bottles lined up on the counter.

I introduced three sommelier recommended items.

There is also a winning history at the world contest The best class wine "Holst Sauer Trocken-Baeren Aauslese"Is Kansai's first landing, price is bottle 28,000 yen, glass 3500 yen.

One unusual item that Japanese people brewed for the first time in Germany639 Riesling Stopherese (Hide Winery)"(White) is that the bottle is 9000 yen.

Argentine wine became a catalyst for overseas expansion, red wine "1884 Reserva MalbecThe bottle is 4500 yen.

We have plentiful range of fine wines from 1 up to 2,500 yen reasonable items, and it seems to be available for couples, girls' associations, business scenes as well.

in Coverage,   Food,   Pick Up, Posted by darkhorse_log