35 types of funny logo design just looking with negative space


"Space between objects" in art terms "Negative space"Typical works using negative spaces are"Rubin VaseIt is a work expressing the face of the two men's faces using the negative space around the vase, which is said to be said. Methods that use negative spaces are often used in logo designs, so when you focus on parts other than the logo that you understand when you look at it, a different image emerges.

Design Inspiration: Negative Space Logos and Symbols

01: Two girls & amp; a Key logo

02: 4x (fox) logo

03: Moetivs Peter Vasvari

04: Pictir Icon

05: Slurp Café

06: "Fish" Dentistry

07: Zebra & amp; negative space (s)

08: Dribbble Brokenhandle

09: Gorilla logo

10: Layne Savoie Golf Logo

11: Neighborwoods 3 Rebound

12: Oak Bros. Logo

13: Artemis & the Hunt

14: Peter Vasvari Braille Tails

15: HillRoad Service

16: Dog Dental

17: Finger Foods

18: House Kitchen & amp; Bar

19: LockNet

20: Elephant 2

21: Therappy

22: Big Love

23: Finger

24: Latest Identity

25: Foxography

26: Wired PR Identity Concept 3

27: Giraffe

28: Robarov

29: GS

30: RatingTrust

31: Stables | Dogs training center

32: in woods

33: Logo for Surfing-Related Site

34: Alt Logo Layout

35: Dustin Bates

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log