Reproduce with a code of 1 KB or less that characters fall from the top of the movie "Matrix"

movies"matrix"Kanji or Katakana or Hiragana and others falls like a waterfall from the very famous top of the super famous scene that is completely reproduced with a code of 1 KB or less is"Matrix Canvas Code"is.

Matrix Canvas Code | CSSDeck

It is an impressive thing that the scene seems to fall like a fall from the top at the first intro of the Matrix trilogy with the feeling as below as it is the original, and in fact it is vertical Inverted Hankaku Kana and Note Sounds etc. will also come out. The reason why such strange letters are mixed is because someone directed the director "Programming in vertical writing on Japanese PC".

Intro Matrix Reloaded - YouTube

Matrix intro - YouTube

[HD] The Matrix Revolutions Intro - YouTube

It was completely reproduced with just JavaScript actuallyThis pageAfter accessing to you, it first flowed like this from the top ... ...

On this screen of the matrix like this.

Looking at the source code, it is just as much as this.

in Web Service,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse