Helmets with bicycle drive recorder capable of recording 360 degrees omnidirectional are under development

Dove recorderThere are things that may be useful when you get involved in a traffic accident or some trouble if you install it, but those for bicycles are not popular. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of Charida, a helmet with a built-in drive recorder that can record all around 360 degrees using seven cameras "Helmet of Justice"Is currently being developed.

A 'black box' for bicycles

The state of the demonstration using the helmet can be seen from the following movie.

Helmet of Justice is a bicycle drive recorder built-in helmet currently under development.

This is a design office that produces Helmet of JusticeChaotic MoonWhurley.

The idea of ​​making a drive recorder for bicycles was born out of employment, John Poindexter, who was in accident while driving a bicycle. It seems that the car with John Poindexter left running as it is.

The following is a demonstration. Male is straddling my bicycle.

When Whurley knocks the rider's head ......

Camera started up. Seven cameras overlooking 360 degrees are attached to the helmet, and when the shock is felt, the camera starts and recording starts. It is possible to record video continuously for 2 hours after feeling shock.

At first glance it is just a black helmet.

But there are cameras inside like this.

A state while working.

Chaotic Moon is a design office that usually produces games and the like,Electric skateboardYaKinect loading shopping cartWe are also developing unique products such as such, this helmet seems to be part of that.

The selling price will be around 300 dollars (about 28,000 yen).

in Vehicle,   Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log