An ice-like block "Cheers" which informs excessive drinking by shining red and stylishly

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I belong to MIT Media LabDhairya DandThinks that it was developed based on the reflection that the drunkard was drunk at the party and the idea goods for preventing overdrinking was "Cheers"is. A mechanism in which LED lights and sensors are installed in semi-transparent cube-like objects like ice, and when they drink 3 cups of alcohol, they emit red light and pay attention to excessive drinking It seems that it is becoming.

Cheers - alcohol - aware glowing ice - cubes that beat to ambient music on Vimeo

This is a failure story about drinks experienced by Dhairya Dand. The incident occurred at MIT 's party on November 23, 2012.

He enjoys enjoyable times in a pleasant music.

I remember having drank 3 cups of alcohol by 11:30 in the evening.

But in 7 hours after that, he decided to wake up at the hospital.

I fell down because of alcohol overdose.

There is no memory of that night.

And three weeks after this painful failure.

He developed a gadget like "ice cube" to prevent drinking too much.

That "ice cube" tells it by color change grasping how much the user drank.

And if you sense that you are drinking too much to the level you need assistance, you can also send a text message to a close friend.

Record the number of times a dedicated circuit carried time and alcohol into your mouth.

Built-in LED, acceleration sensor, IR transceiver, battery.

It is stored in a jelly-like waterproof cube.

By the way, its jelly-like one is edible and tasteless.

After the jelly has set, "ice cube" is taken out from the mold and becomes usable state.

The cube will fire in response to surrounding sounds.

It is possible to count how much data the sake carried by the acceleration sensor carried alcohol, and to estimate how much alcohol you drink with the passage of time.

And another party will be held on December 14th 2012.

It is time to do a field trial of a cube.

In the first cup, the cube glows green.

As soon as you start drinking the second cup, the cube emits orange.

If you start drinking the third cup in another 30 minutes, the cube glows red and informs you to drop the pace of drinking.

If you stop drinking here and give a little break, there is no problem.

If you do not stop drinking here, the cube sends a text message to someone you are friendly to inform you of the danger.


Let 's keep it moderate and enjoy it.

It belongs to the MIT Media Lab that developed this cubeDhairya DandMr. is.

So, it seems that there are considerable errors depending on alcohol's frequency and the size of the cup,CheersAlthough I am concerned about the point that it is likely to lose space to put genuine ice by putting in it, as an idea to keep in mind the drinking of an appropriate amount, do not forget the "drinking prohibition" on the wall It is said that it can be said that it is smarter than writing a slogan such as.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log