"ATOMS" that anyone can make iPhone application linked toys by combining blocks

Toys that can be used in conjunction with already owned toys such as Lego, Barbie, Toy cars and robots are "ATOMS". In addition to using the sensor to move the motor, you can also operate from iPhone and iPad.

ATOMS-EXPRESS | We help kids make things that do things.

ATOMS Express Toys by Seamless Toy Company, Inc. - Kickstarter

This red, blue and green 3 color block is ATOMS.

ATOMS is a toy that can be played in combination with LEGO or Barbie that children already have. I wanted children to actually see how moving toys are being made, and it was made.

This is Michael Rosenblatt, the founder and CEO of The Seamless Toy Company.

ATOMS developed the prototype through the community while having the children try it.

The blue block in the picture below is the sensor, the red block is the battery, the green block is the motor.

When connecting the three with a cable and lifting the blue block, the tree attached to the motor rolled out with the kurukuru.

When you lower the sensor, the movement of the motor also stops.

The mechanism is like this.

You can also operate from the iPhone.

Connect the battery to the motor and swipe the screen of the iPhone, the motor started to move.

Because the battery has built-in Bluetooth, it is possible to operate using the application.

Also, since ATOMS can be attached to the LEGO block, the range of play also expands.

ATOMS has several kinds. First is Monster Construction Set.

This is a kit that you can make yourself monsters and creatures.

Next is Magic Wand Set.

This girl is holding an iPhone towards the house assembled with a block. This is a house made with the Magic Wand Set, it is possible to move a toy, open and close a door, turn on lights.

It can also be exploded.

And iOS Control Set.

Literally, it will be able to control from iPhone and iPad with Bluetooth connection.

You can operate from the fifth generation iPod touch, iPhone 4S / 5, 3rd generation, 4th generation iPad, iPad Mini.

With ATOMS, you will be able to move your own designed toy freely.

In addition, ATOMS - EXPRESS is currently recruiting investment. If you invest 49 dollars (about 4,200 yen), the Monster Construction Set will get an iOS Control Set with Magic Wand Set, $ 79 (about 6800 yen) with a $ 59 (about 5100 yen) contribution. An order from outside the United States requires a separate $ 10 (about 860 yen) as a shipping fee, shipping will be scheduled to take place in June 2013.

The deadline is Japan time, 1 January 59, January 2, 2013.

in Hardware,   Video,   Design, Posted by darkhorse_log