"Apple Design 1997-2011 Japanese version" which clearly understands with the rich photograph and data of Apple's secret and fundamental principle of design

The secret and development of Apple product design from Steve Jobs's return to the death is explained with a rich photo "Apple Design 1997-2011 Japanese version"is. What is the position of the design at Apple and what kind of evolution has been achieved in product designs are plentifully recorded with Apple photo books and of course not only for Apple lovers but also for industrial design People who are interested and those who want to see a beautiful design anyway are also very enjoyable contents.

This is Apple Design 1997-2011.

Try opening and saying "Welcome" on page 1.

table of contents

The table of contents is as follows.

◆ Design Makes the Difference

◆ Stylectrical: On Electro-Design that Makes History

◆ Mac Evolution

◆ Think Different!

◆ Strategic design: How new will surpass old

◆ Lying behind Apple's design

◆ When Kronberg encounters Cupertino

◆ Full metal jacket

◆ "All New Design" - a completely new design

◆ Gardens of Earthly Delights - Garden of pleasure

◆ Design in California

"Mac Evolution" that you can see at a glance how Apple products evolved, such as Cinema Display and iMac

IMac was released in 1998.

From the one developed in multicolor with candy color, the materials used, such as plastic and aluminum, also changed.

The Cinema Display was also released for the first time in 1998, the Power Mac series began in 1999 the following year, the model released in 2003 was the last.

The current Cinema Display is a very simple design.

Mouse and keyboard will become simpler from step by step design.

Evolution of iPhone, iPod, iPad can also be seen.

IPod nano, iPod shuffle, etc.

At the corner of the page, the design of earphone changes little by little.

IBook, PowerBook, MacBook, AirPort, etc.

From rounded shapes, iBooks and PowerBooks getting shrunk designs.

MacBook released in 2006 after iBook and PowerBook finished in 2003.

The thinness of the device is getting closer and closer to the paper.

He is senior vice president of Apple's industrial design groupJonathan IveWas appointed Senior Vice President of Industrial Design from Steve Jobs in 1997. With this personnel management design is not styling to increase mere sales, it is positioned as "management problem", and it is possible to cooperate in the same position as executives who make strategic business decisions Possibly.

"Lie in the design of Apple" is an industrial designerDieter LambsParadoxically using the "Ten Principles for Good Design" advocated by Apple to verify Apple's reality.

Here is Dieter Lambs '10 principles of Good Design'.

◆ 01:Good design is innovative

◆ 02:Good design makes the product functional

◆ 03:Good design is beautiful

◆ 04:Good design makes product easy to understand

◆ 05:Good design is not obliged

◆ 06:Good design is sincere

◆ 07:Good design is permanent

◆ 08:Good design is consistent in every detail

◆ 09:Good design is environmentally friendly

◆ 10:Good design is not designed as much as possible

"When Kronberg encounters Cupertino" produces electric shavers etc.BrownAnd the design of Apple.

"Calculator and clock" of the iPhone is very similar to the design of the calculator called "ET 33 Control" of Brown which was released in the 70's, and some people are trying to show that it is plagiarism on some parts of the Internet did. Jonathan Ive says Dieter Lambs, Brown's designer, is his example.

Also, in recent years SteelcaseThink(Office chair where environment-friendly materials are used based on the concept of "cradle to cradle") not only visual design but also material selection is becoming an important point. Jonathan Ive is also one of the designers who is particularly conscious of the material in the design process and using aluminum material for Apple products is a pioneering and important point in his achievement.

In "California Design", a diagram showing how densely the bases such as Apple, Facebook, Google, Yahoo!, YouTube, Adobe etc are dense appears. It shows that the geographical environment is also one of factors that affect design.

It is possible to see the past Apple products designed by Jonathan Ive. The following is Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh, the 20th anniversary Mac

"Studio Display"

In the second half of the book, it is in a photo album state in which the designs of the successive Apple products are arranged beautifully like a catalog, and you can see that if you watch the following movie.

"Apple Design 1997-2011" - the secret of late Apple's design is gathered - YouTube

The book has a considerable volume of 320 pages.

The right end is designed to be bitten.

Because it is a hard cover book of a pretty large size, I recommend you watch over it at home.

The price at Amazon is 4410 yen.

Amazon.co.jp: Apple Design 1997-2011 Japanese Version - Hardcover - Sabine Schulze, Ina Gratz, Sanae Hiratani, B Sprout Book

in Review,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log