7 steps to be creative at any time

Creativity isn't about art, technology, or luck, it's about problem-solving techniques that can be applied to anything, and requires only a little insight or inspiration. 7 steps to become are published in 'How to be Creative'. Creativity as a methodology that can be adapted to all of our individual problems, regardless of our special background, such as intelligence, beliefs, or innate talents.
How to be Creative
◆ 01: Score a goal
・ Pick up problems and goals that you want to use creativity

It can be anything, set goals to adapt your creativity. Once the goals are visible, the problems to be solved are also visible. And many of the goals in our minds excite and inspire us.
・ Clarify what you want to achieve

Setting goals is not enough to reach creative goals so that you cannot compete without competitors. You need to be clear about what you want to achieve. Creativity is absolutely adaptable to physical, emotional, spiritual, anything, but it requires a clear goal.
・ Burn passion

Whatever the goal, we have to find the essential way to solve the problem. It's not about achieving your goals, it's about the path to achieving them. It's impossible to be creative with something without passion, but we have obstacles on the path to creative freedom that hinder each passion. The first step is to look at your own problems. Only you can clarify 'what is in the way to achieve creative freedom'.
◆ 02: Clarify the ideas that limit creativity within you
・ 'I don't know how to do it' 'I have never been taught' 'I don't think I can do it' 'I was told I can't do it'

By Pink Sherbet Photography
All these excuses keep you away from the goal. These ideas limit your imagination and prevent you from creativity. Imagination is a tool for overcoming challenges and solving problems.
・ Change the way of thinking
So change this way of thinking to something like 'We have infinite imaginations inside, we can push them out infinitely, and we won't lose them.' If you are passionate, you have to consider everything as a challenge. Once your passion is revealed, all the challenges you face will give you new perspectives.
We will start a detailed plan by taking on challenges. Please clarify your goals, as you can have any size and any number. You also need to be honest with yourself. Admit many things that make excuses for you and prevent you from achieving your goals. The most important thing to achieve your creative goals is to forgive yourself for making mistakes. Change the excuse for the challenge.
・ Imagination is always working

Imagination works even when you are not aware of it. When faced with a problem, your mind is using problem-solving skills and at the same time using some creativity. Once you know who you are, you will be able to adapt this creativity to other things,
◆ 03: Create an exciting role
・ Realize what you can do now to move in the right direction

People often say 'they don't know who they are' or 'they don't know how' when they need creativity, but in reality they are just a clue. However, one needs to know deeply what he wants, and everything starts from there. Whatever your goals or problems, you need to know what you can do to inspire them.
If something burns your passion, accept it as a creative signal to warn you

Passion should be promoted. You will begin to harness the energy of your passion, but don't take it for granted, understand your role and accept it from the bottom of your heart. It is still filled with young energy. Some people say 'where is your talent', 'what is your talent' or 'who cares' about your talent, but just chase your dreams. Never answer 'no' to those question marks.
It's not about 'who do you want to be?' But 'how do you want to be known?' And explode your creative energy. Just do what you need to do and make things better.
・ I'm excited not to be full of my role

Knowing what your strengths are is as important as knowing your weaknesses. When it comes to fighting enemies, they become weapons. No one has the same weapon, but one by nature has one. Maybe you have never used it. No matter how impossible it may seem, you must be confident that you can. And the bigger the challenge, the more you'll achieve, but the less you have to do. Try to think, 'I am fortunate to have the opportunity to take on such a challenge.'
◆ 04: Make you uncomfortable
・ Face negative emotions

Once you've clarified what's wrong, the challenges you're facing, and yourself, all you have to do is face the next pesky feelings. Before you reach your goal, there is an incredible amount of learning to break your limits, but take a look at each of these challenges. It's not a fun task, but it will make you learn rapidly. The negative emotions that arise at that time hide you from achieving your goals.
・ Search for unpleasant feelings

Bad things are not embarrassing, and there is no shame in places where there are no challenges. You have to put up with it until you can see the benefits it brings. Work on the challenges one by one or all at once, keeping goals in your mind. If you think it's terrible at first, it's the first step. That's where you can feel uncomfortable, but learn why we've tried so many times and what our potential is. Nothing opens up your possibilities beyond trying it out.
・ I feel something I have never felt before

Whatever it is, you need to start burning your passion. You need to tackle new and recognized challenges and feel what you haven't felt before. It's not cozy, but rather the exact opposite. When you feel uncomfortable, you feel negative emotions rising inside you, but remember that 'this is in the process of changing emotions.' You need to love the uncomfortable feelings to improve your creative spirit. It will be worse than you think, but please be proud of yourself as you challenge yourself.
◆ 05: Trust others
・ Don't let people around you say you can't

This is possible by trusting people. You need to listen to what people are saying and hear the true meaning of what they are saying. Listen to their motives to convey those words. And be aware of which of them will help you. If you feel that you are inspiring yourself to achieve your goals, you can also inspire them. The important thing is to use your imagination in any situation and manage whatever happens on your own. It's important to be able to handle what happened in the outside world internally and focus on what you need to focus on.
・ No matter how much you shouldn't do that, you have to trust others

By MyTudut
No matter how many times you think, 'I don't trust anyone anymore,' it's just an escape. No matter how many times in the past you have been hurt, you must learn trust. If you have passion, goals, and know your weaknesses, get out of them. And take a closer look at the people around you who are likely to be human resources. This is the next step.
・ Ask for help and accept help

In fact, the use of creativity in business depends on the excellence of the leader. In short, using creativity in the workplace is how you set aside your own circumstances.
Adapting creativity to what you are working on will ultimately make your product more innovative. Since you have infinite power with your imagination, our infinite supply allows us to output your imagination indefinitely without wasting energy.
◆ 06: I love failure
・ Test your beliefs

If you walk with your head raised, you will not be able to see what is happening just below your nose. We always need to find new ways to grow. Never think, 'I know everything.' It will be a target for fulfilling other people's creative dreams. The key to staying passionate is to keep moving and not to catch up with anyone. Look for the joy in failing, but don't confuse it with the idea that it's wrong and natural. You need to have a deep understanding of your beliefs, but don't be overconfident and always test your beliefs. If you love failure, you will be able to learn by living, breathing, and receiving new information without having to search for new materials to learn. Keep questioning your beliefs.
・ Love your own mistakes

You have to keep your beliefs, but you should also believe in the belief that you love your mistakes. Even if you don't love the wrong beliefs, you should love the fact that the truth was revealed and be lucky to have a chance to grow. Every time my hypothesis is overturned, I can learn new things. Every time I find a mistake in my thoughts, I can find new possibilities. There are many embarrassing things, of course, but the benefits of tackling the problems you perceive within yourself will change your life.
・ Learn from failure

Not only do I apologize for the mistakes, but I do my best not to repeat the same mistakes twice. This is a simple and effective tactic to become a better listener, writer, designer, developer, friend, boyfriend, son, and brother.
Remember when you last made a mistake and apologized. And think about how you handled it.
◆ 07: Be impatient
・ We are all wasting time waiting, just watching, and wishing

Don't wait for someone, just start moving. You can even stop reading this sentence to get started. Don't wait for someone to help you. If it doesn't work as you expected, you can move on to something else. In a world full of opportunities, never stand still.
Many people are unaware, but now that you know that your imagination is endless, you can use your imagination more than ever before. Some people don't respect their imagination, but that's a shame. Once you learn how to use imagination to produce external results, you will never return to yourself.
・ Invest in passion

Without passion, you will spend most of your life in depression. Don't let anything that doesn't ignite the hope in your body. Don't let the fire go out and let anyone get in the way of your passion. Then the fire grows bigger and the effort creates creativity. External creativity can be measured inside you ... by how much control you have in the creativity that flows from your fingertips, and how much your fingertips are directed at you. Invest in your passion.
・ The first thing to learn is to move quickly and learn along the way to the goal.

Impatientness is a beauty. Creativity is not a slow process, you adjust its speed. Always be aware of your goals and how creative can help you. Never accept excuses again and call the problem a challenge. Keep looking for uncomfortable feelings that will lead you to growth. Trust others, love failure, don't stop learning. They are the most important.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log