'Metallic Ratio' that calculates the optimal ratio such as the golden ratio and the silver ratio



1 as a figure looks the most beautiful: the ratio of 1.618 golden ratio is referred to as, silver ratio of the graphic also look beautiful in Other (1: 1.414) and bronze ratio (1: 1.303), such as ratio , but there will be, 'Metallic ' Ratio ' automatically fills in the vertical and horizontal widths and automatically creates a rectangle according to those ratios, so it should be useful when doing design work or drawing posters.

Metallic Ratio

There are two types of ratios: aspect ratio type and split ratio type. Aspect ratio types have a ratio of 1:1, 1:1.333, a silver ratio of 1:1.414, and a golden ratio of 1:1.618, 1:2, 1:2.414. There are eight types of ratios (white silver ratio), 1:2.618, 1:3.303 (bronze ratio).

As for usage, if you select the aspect ratio type, click the one you want to use from the eight types of ratios, and enter the value in the text box of the displayed figure to calculate the width based on the ratio.

You can switch the text box from vertical to horizontal by clicking 'Switch input Position'.

Next to it, you can select the number of decimal places to display in the 'Floating Point'.

Selecting a split ratio type looks like this. The type of ratio is a little less than the aspect ratio, the silver ratio is 1:1.414, the golden ratio is 1:1.618, 1:2, 1:2.414 (white silver ratio), 1:2.618, 1:3.303 (bronze ratio). 6 types of. The width of the right-hand split rectangle and the width of the entire rectangle are calculated based on the selected ratio.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log