A lot of tens of thousands to millions of personal information may have leaked out on Android's "the Movie" application

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Apr 13, 2012, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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It turned out that the application of the "the Movie" series has a function to send all names, mail addresses and telephone numbers registered in the phone book of the smartphone to an external server without permission. "Personal information leaks too much, - lumin code notes, The number downloaded so far is from 66,600 to 27,1500 and assuming that there are an average of 50 people in each contact's book that downloaded this application, it will be 3.33 million to 1.357 million It is said that personal information about people may have leaked out.

In short, the mysterious development company (or individual) that registered this Android application created and registered an application solely for extracting personal information from the beginning, so that even if it estimates less, it estimates about 60,000 people, and that 60,000 people The information of everyone who is in the address book of the address book is extracted and sent to somewhere, the author escaped and it is unclear what he says.

Sumaho appli information mass leakage or NHK news

About suspicious app named "the Movie" | Android news and app AppLab

The point is that not only the person installing the application but also the information of the person registered in the person's address book is taken and the point is that "Because I do not have this application installed, it is OK" Even though I thought that if someone registered you in the address book installed this application, it's out.

According to NHK, the problematic apps are the following 16 titles, and it is necessary to check whether the person installing the following applications is around.

"K-ON! K-ON! Movie"

"Make a good stick! The Movie"

"Masters of the hit" the Movie "

"Chari run - the Movie"

"Piyo Soria the Movie"

"Karate Chop! The Movie"

"Find the Wally" the Movie "

"FC 2 Movie Summary the Movie"

"Suku Water Movie Conclusion"

"Momotaro Dentetsu the Movie"

"Mega serving potato THE MOVIE"

"Makai Village Knight Legend THE MOVIE"

"3D visual acuity recovery THE MOVIE"

"Gang Hound the Movie"

"Otori Momotaro THE MOVIE"

"Snoopy Street THE MOVIE"

Also, as a result of examination, the following applications were also from the same author.

Winning Eleven 2011 the Movie

Johnny's video summary

If you smile lose the Movie

Originally this tweet.

April 11, 2012 - 16: 29

On the Android Market, there are multiple suspicious apps wearing "the Movie" after the popular application name. Since these applications seem to be "reading contact data" and "reading status and ID of the terminal", it would be safe to avoid installing these applications. #androidjp

As a result of the analysis, it is ascertained that the user's telephone number, e-mail address, mobile number and e-mail address in the address book are all being transmitted.

April 12, 2012 - 21:38

送っている情報は利用者の電話番号とメールアドレス、アドレス帳にある携帯番号とメールアドレス全て。 RT @applabjp Androidマーケットにて、人気アプリ名のあとに「the Movie」とつけた不審なアプリが複数出回っています。 http://pic.twitter.com/t2vPOu8d

It turns out which server it sent out information.

April 12, 2012 - 21:38

送信先はプロバイダアドレスで、http://depot.bulks.jp/ です。画像はサーバの宛先を変えたアプリをエミュレータ環境で実行したものです。 RT @applabjp

I also found out that I also sent an Android ID.

April 13, 2012 - 0:11

AndroidIDもですかね http://lockerz.com/s/200692006 http://lockerz.com/s/200692019 RT: @lumin: 送っている情報は利用者の電話番号とメールアドレス、アドレス帳にある携帯番号とメールアドレス全て。 RT @applabjp

In addition, it seems that it has also found out who is the author of this personal information fraud acquisition & personal information Dada leakage leakage leakage application by further pursuit.

April 13, 2012 - 0:48

Get the phone number of the person who seems to be making the Movie application! I think that electric convex can be done with this.

April 13, 2012 - 2:22

The Movie author began to escape.

April 13, 2012 - 2:26

You already know your home address. @ Wakatono I do not think I can run away w QT @ lumin: the Movie The author started running away.

April 13, 2012 - 2:29

Can I get a phone number or home address of Android developer in a legal way ...? I guess the investigation cooperation.

April 13, 2012 - 2:33

In that case, many years of experience and know-how is what you say. @ Bulkneets Android developers' phone numbers or home addresses, etc. Can you obtain them in a legal way ...? I guess the investigation cooperation.

April 13, 2012 - 2:40

The Moive author I wonder if I stop from stopping the server, will I stop the server?

And stop the server. Collecting personal information leaked by this will stop once.

April 13, 2012 - 16: 59

The Movie server stopped. This can be relieved. Thank you for your cooperation. > Stakeholder

Indeed it means "It can be relieved with this" in the sense that damage will not expand any more, but the possibility that a considerably large number of personal information has already passed is great. Anyway, what about the author who made this series of applications and disappointed to use a lot of personal information gotten?

in Note,   Mobile,   Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse