Even a big AC adapter does not interfere with the left and right Can be used Kneekne power turn tap "Pivot Power"

Electric appliances, IT equipments, game machines, etc. have lots of things plugged in and the outlet fills steadily and a power strip is necessary, but if there is a big AC adapter it will be frustrating that both side inserts can not be used You may. It is also handy to connect short extension cords according to the number of AC adapters, but it was only thought that it would be good if we could correspond on the tap side in the first place, the tap itself turns with a meandering "Pivot Power"is.

Quirky - Pivot Power Flexible Power Strip

When you watch this movie you can tell at a time when it is convenient.

The Pivot Power Flexible Power Strip by Quirky - YouTube

There is also hardware that is configured as an AC adapter + AC cable so as not to disturb the adjacent outlet on the premise that it is inserted in the power strip, but there are still many devices that use a huge AC adapter yet.

The camera battery charger and so on, you will not know where to put it any more ... ...

What should I do!

At that time, quirky's "Pivot Power" is useful.

It is a power tap with 6 3 outlet receptacles

It is possible to flex freely and freely

Even with an AC adapter that seems to interfere with the adjacent outlet when it is inserted in a normal power tap ......

I could insert everything like this

It is quite interesting to solve solutions that do not separate the outlets from each other.

in Hardware,   Video, Posted by logc_nt