Popularity of Facebook users ranking Japan Top 50

User local who is a technology venture from Waseda University, today from the celebrity ranking site in Facebook "Facebook popular user rankingsWe began publishing. The ranking ranking is ranked every day on the basis of the number of "how many fans are there" (how many fans are subscribed) "ranking ranking is ranked every day, and the trend of the current national ranking and past changes in the number of readers You can see it.

Facebook user rankings

According to user local, there are currently more than 7.5 million Facebook users in Japan, and top users are listed in this ranking. At the time of publication, public postings are posted but even for general users it is possible to participate in the ranking from the ranking registration application form on the right of the screen. Also, according to user local, as of February 23, there are about 3,500 Facebook users who have more than 100 subscribers in the country.

The current ranking is as follows.

1st place: Joichi Ito (MIT Media Lab: 75,053 people)

2nd place: Keisuke Yoshinaga (impressive representative in 1 minute: 45,178 people)

3rd place: Hitomi Kumasaka (CEO of social media research institute: 24,624 people

4th place: Yoshikazu Tanaka (President of Glee: 22,397 people)

5th: Shuntaro Torigoe (journalist: 19,649 people)

6th: Toru Saito (Lou's Communications CEO: 16,791 people)

7th place: Toshio Taka (Actor: 13,558 people)

8th: Hiromi Nakagawa (Nikkei BP Editor: 12,812 people)

9th place: Kanako Izasawa (Trenders Representative Director: 12,608 people)

10th place: Naoyuki Sato (Tsunag representative director: 12,090 people)

11th: Naoyuki Honda (Leverage Consulting, Inc.: 12,027 people)

12th place: Yuki Kishi (Dentsu: 9,995 people)

13th: Daisuke Tsuda (Representative Director of Neorog: 9,400 people)

14th: Makoto Hairy (HONZ.JP representative: 8, 528 people)

15th: Masanori Kanda (ALMACREATIONS Representative Director: 8,473 people)

16th: Rena Takemura (president of Fukuoka Woman Laboratory: 7,825 people)

17th place: Yoko Tamago (Kinesio Logistics: 7,207 people)

18th: Yukawa Tsurumo (TechWave journalist: 7,094 people)

19th: Kazumasa Ie (entrepreneur HyperInternets Representative Director: 6,770 people)

20th: Tomoyasu Hirano (Director of Digital Stage: 5,969 people)

21st place: Yusaku Suzuki (Talent: 5,879 people)

22nd place: Kei Suwa (Mayor Mayor Takeo: 5,552 people)

23rd: Takemitsu Keimori (Opto Representative Director: 5,236 people)

24th: Nozomi Odagi (Talent: 5,221 people)

25th: Fumi Koda (CEO & CEO & President: 5,217 people)

26th: Natsuko Yokota (KASAIX Natural ageing representative: 5,206 people)

27th: Takashi Omoto (Itochu Techno Solutions: 5,167 people)

28th place: HAYAE Yamamoto (Talent: 4,939 people)

29th: Aiko Yamamura (President, AIKO: 4,886 people)

30th place: Kabasawa Shionen (Psychiatrist, Kabasawa Psychology Institute: 4,713 people)

31st: Akiko Nishini (U.B.U. Speech Consulting representative: 4,385 people)

32nd place: Tetsuya Isozaki (certified public accountant: 4,318 people)

33rd place: Miho Imai (Representative of Lilymarry'S: 4,132 people)

34th: Okazaki Kuro (Skin Pro representative: 4,130 people)

35th: Hironobu Takahiro (SUKEDACHI: 4,017 people)

36th: Hiromi Sato (Beauty parlor: 3,884 people)

37th: Koji Takashiro (President of Celebrein: 3,798 people)

38th: Michael Tomioka (Talent: 3,784 people)

39th: Tomoe Yonekawa (Wedding dress Siesta: 3,660 people)

40th: Takako Takeshi (Flower artist: 3,615 people)

41th: Akiko Tateishi (Model: 3,379 people)

42nd: Hidenobu Hirao (Improbic representative: 3,207 people)

43th: Rie Tojo (Grazia president: 3,162 people)

44th: Ai Kanazawa (Talent: 3,095 people)

45th: Mayumi Yoshino (Representative Director of the Japan Telepo Association Association: 3,014 people)

46th place: Yumiko Toyama (Talent: 3,002 people)

47th: Hiromi Asahara (Internet Co., Ltd. Planning and Development Office Planning Office Manager: 2,924 people)

48th: Eriko Yamaguchi (Model: 2,921 people)

49th: Ken Kotanigawa (Lead Consulting President and CEO: 2,895 people)

50th: Kensuke Furukawa (President, Rocket Start, President: 2,872)

Furthermore, it is published to the 400th place on the site.

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