How much does it cost if you become a cecum during travel abroad? A figure that you can see immediately when you see it

In Honolulu, which is the most expensive, the treatment cost is 2.56 million yen (including surgery, hospitalization expenses, etc.), and the transportation cost in ambulance costs 50,000 yen.

Emergency medical circumstances in the world Visit the world with info graphics on the tour

First of all, this is an emergency telephone number in the world.

The level up to 100,000 yen cheaply and like this is like this.

If it is in the category of 100,000 yen to 1 million yen, it will be like this.

And this is 3 million yen from 1 million yen.

Looking at this way the height of the United States has become a tremendous level, about medical insurance "SiccoIt is convinced why a documentary movie like "Hits" will be created.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse