Unexpectedly high calorie sushi "Candy Sushi"

Sushi which is a very popular menu in Japan. Usually we make it using seafood, but variants such as the sea kick are not uncommon,California RollThere are also many sushi like rolled avocados and other things that we never had before. It ultimately developed and finally reached Candy Sushi.

Candy Sushi - Epic Meal Time - YouTube

"Men who made cheesy and sushi today!" And a men enthusiastically entered.

Although it is supposed to be sushi, it spreads bacon and places syrup there.

Completion of Candy Bacon if this is baked. Sugar content is 650 g, 6600 kcal, suddenly I am sorry.

Marshmallow appeared next

Knee me rice crispy.

I will spread Petapeta and its crispy

Progressing sooner and later

I will continue rolling around

This roll "Twinkie Roll with Caviar Nerds" has 1100 g of sugar and 1727 kcal of sugar. As early as possible, the calorie is over 10,000.

Rough Sara

Cocoon chocolate tightly ......

Candy Bacon Rolo Roll is completed. Sugar content 1476 g, calorie 15,838 kcal.

This time Donut Roll - Up Sushi involved Crispy in the first Candy Bacon. Sugar content 1658 g, 18,518 kcal.

Make chocolate crispy ... ....

I will make it to a rolled sushi roll.

Powdered Fruit Roll-Up Rolls. Sugar content is 2040 g, calorie is 20 1198 kcal, finally exceeding 20 thousand calories.

not yet!

Swiss Roll Sushi has 2395 g sugar, 23,482 kcal.

What sandwiches the cut oleos ......

Twinkie Oreo Nigiri. Sugar content 2674 g, 25558 kcal.

The finished candy · sushi is arranged in line

I will eat this from now

Instead of soy sauce chocolate etc. are attached.


I'll eat it.


Waah ... ...!!

this is"Epic Meal TimeIt is a cuisine program that was distributed on YouTube every Tuesday, made by a cooking program. The guideline of Epic Meal Time is "We make your dreams come true, and then we eat them." We will make your dream come true, we will eat it. I do not know which part of Candy Sushi is a dream, but I am eager to make and eat it.

Besides, I cook dishes cooked with Musshamsha, making plenty of meals and sake finished in extraordinary calories using plenty of alcohol. This "Meat Garden" is producing lipid 4591 g, a meat dish menu of 80,000 kilocalories.

Meat Garden - Epic Meal Time - YouTube

On YouTube's Epic Meal Time channel, you can see a couple of dishes you do not want to imitate too much. It is a level of heartburn just looking at people, so those who are soon after eating are warned.

EpicMealTime's channel - YouTube

in Video,   Junk Food, Posted by logc_nt