A huge gummy bear of about 11.7 kilometers and 32,000 kilocalories weighs too much

I do not know who invented this kind of thing and even put it into practice, but a ridiculous gummy at the level that surely calls the responsible person and can question it appeared. Because it is possible to actually purchase, in a sense it is practical .......

The 26-pound Party Gummy Bear: Gigantic gummy candy

Edible 26-Pound Gummy Party Bear - YouTube

Dressing up

What do you have ... ....


A big deal


Because there is such a large glass, it is good that a big gummy bear will come! It seems to be

Even so why is it so loud ... ...

Dobuto dōbōbo

It will enter about 1 liter.

It is also possible

Water fountain

Anyway it's awesome

This way of use is OK

For example, to a birthday party.

That moment when I tried to blow out a candle ......


Chocolate sauce

I already have calories!


Renjyo (The right person is amazed)

Ha ha ha! Hafu Huh! (Pay attention to the right person)

Sea urchin

Also active at Halloween party


Pissed vampire

A bear in a bear


Even Christmas is OK.

Being friends

I feel happy, I feel happy anyway

Even so, these guys are norinori

Weighs 26 pounds, weighs about 11.7 kilometers

Indeed, 32,000 calorie

I sell it seriously.

The right end is a normal sized gumi bear selling well

From the left Red Cherry, Orange, Green Apple, Blue Raspberry

Also with a carrying item for carrying, it is $ 149.99 (about 11,600 yen)

In addition, the world's largest gumi worm is also the best in a certain sense.

UrbanOutfitters.com> World's Largest Gummy Worm

World's Largest Gummy Worm: Over 2 feet of gummy goodness.

The World's Largest Gummy Worm - YouTube

A big deal


Just 4000 calories compared to Gumi Bear

Taste different depending on color, two times tasty

A face is also attached, Smile

here you go

It is! Is it?

To accompany you when you go to the battlefield.

Also to a jump.

Open the gift box ... ...


Exactly earthworms, exactly the worm

Rice paddle

It is 66 centimeters long, 128 animals of normal size and one animal is $ 27.99 (about 2100 yen)

What exactly seems to be demand for, what kind of sale has been sold, what kind of thing is happening on the production site, everything is in a rush.

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse