Lingerie fashion show "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011" photo collection
Designed to inspire inspiration is characteristic, brands with sexy underwear as the main brand "Victoria's Secret'11 Fashion Show in New York on November 9th local time. There is nothing more than boasting $ 5 billion in sales, and it is very fascinating, from the selection of "Angels" which are image models of brands to the design of the lingerie which is the main character of the show, and even the production of shows.
This time, more than 2 million Swarovski crystals are used, and as for one costume, only one hundred thousand crystals are attached with only one arrival, the weight is about 9 kilos. There are also other "Fantasy treasure bra" of about 190 million yen which are studded with 142 carat white & yellow diamonds.
Victoria's Secret | Facebook(Exclusive broadcasting scheduled at CBS on November 29)

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011 in Pictures [Gallery] |
The 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show In Pictures [145 Photos]: COED Magazine
Photos: Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011 | Denver Post Media Center - Denver, Colorado, Photos and Video
2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show: A Complete Look | GossipCenter - Entertainment News Leaders

The state of casting and behind the scenes has also been released, and it is also quite interesting content here.
(Casting appearance)Casting the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show - YouTube
(Trying on)Fit for An Angel 2011 - YouTube
(Behind the scenes of the day)Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Backstage - YouTube
(Explanation behind the scenes by Swarovski)Victoria's Secret Design Studio behind the scenes - YouTube
Behind the scenes photo such as hair makeup by official Facebook "Inside Hair & Makeup 2011" is also quite interesting.

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