Squid shedding machine rotating at high speed vs Cat challenging the battle of life

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Although cats are aiming for squid and horse mackerel being dried by squid drying machine, it is said that there is no winning or no winner is found anywhere, how can we do?

Squid drying machine VS cat - YouTube

Rotating squid, staring cats, and naively naïve heartwarming sort of things


Although it gives out hands, it does not reach

Continue to try further ......

At that time the hand reached the squid finally rotating at high speed!


As for how much squid drying machine is amazing, you can tell by seeing the following series of movies. It is a terrifying rotation speed.

Squid shedding device seen by Yoriko Saga prefecture - YouTube

Yobuko's squid drying machine HD - YouTube

Squid going round. Automatic squid drying machine - YouTube

Rotary fish hoisting machine of the same structure is also a masterpiece.

Electric rotating fish hopper - YouTube

Even with such a small one, it does not leave a fly, with a safety clutch.

Fish-drying machine Marine rolling circle - YouTube

The squid driving machine No. 2 completed by using the bicycle wheel is also uncrowded and amazing.

Ishikawa Prefecture · Unique Noto

Squid Driving Machine that continues to evolve every year vs cat that challenges the battle of life, the battle of this fate is surely still going on somewhere.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse