CEATEC JAPAN 2011 with a wonderful smiley companion, "Hitachi" "Mitsubishi Electric" "Fujitsu" edition
The first one"Toshiba" "Pioneer" "Kyocera", The second one"Toshiba" "Pioneer" "Kyocera", The third one"NTT Communications" "Eye robot" "NOTTV" "Omron", And the fourth one"NTT Docomo" "Sony" "Panasonic". It was full volume "CEATEC JAPAN 2011'S companion article is generous, I am truly the last.
However, I did not complete all the companion's. There are also the timing of the break and the presence of a photographing prohibited booth, and the number of companion who did not appear in the article is never few. People who say "I want to see even more companion!", I highly recommend you visit the site by all means. And more than anything, the ladies are more attractive than you see in the pictures.
CEATEC JAPAN 2011 | Official website
◆ Hitachi
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
◆ Hitachi Metals
◆ NE Theater
◆ Techno Brain
◆ Clonics
◆ 3M
◆ Fujitsu
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