10 tips for making good macro shots

The macro lens is designed so that close-up photography can be performed at a higher magnification than ordinary zoom lenses, so it is possible to take an interesting picture so that it can not be experienced with the naked eye. However, some tips are needed to use them well and enjoy macro shooting, but the 10 tips listed below may be helpful.
10 Relevant Tips for an Effective Macro Photography
1: Be patient
For example, suppose that there are some insects that you want to shoot macro. It may be flying or flying insects. However, even if it is an insect it is necessary to follow patiently and find the perfect angle to taste the picture. Macro photography is never easy. Patience and passion are essential to a good picture.

2: Try manual focus
To take a good picture, you need to focus on the subject and respond sensitively to events. According to professional photographers, it is better to use manual focus when shooting moving insects. This is because you can prevent situations such as 'the autofocus does not fit properly and time passes' and you can take clear pictures without spending time.

3: Always take measures against camera shake
The biggest enemy in macro photography is 'camera shake'. If camera shake occurs at the most important shutter opportunity, all the trouble will be a bubble of water. Once you find a great composition, you may not find the same thing later. You should use a solid tripod when taking macro shots.

4: Check if the picture taken is simple and clear
The focus must always capture the subject, and there must not be a presence that interferes with it. It is the result of distracting the attention of the person who saw the picture.

by lee-sutil
5: Try different angle from usual
Even if it takes some time, please take several shots from different angles to get a good one. Then you should not miss the attraction of the subject.
6: There is beauty for small subjects
In macro photography, you can see something as small as you are not aware of. Recognizing each and every thing such as living things and minerals more deeply and discovering beauty that you did not notice before, this is also the best of macro photography. If you keep this in mind, you will be dealing with the subject with love and interest.

7: Control the shutter speed
You can take good pictures if you know how to increase the shutter speed when shooting dragonflies that fly around that area. It is a necessary technique to capture a good angle of the subject.

8: Sufficient lighting is essential
With sunlight alone, the brightness required for macro shooting may not be sufficient. You may think that it is better to use a flash, but if the subject is an organism such as an insect, there is a risk of being scared and being able to escape. It is essential to set up lighting for the subject. Let's consider 'ring illumination' attached around the lens and 'reflector' that uses sunlight. You should be able to take more attractive photos than before.

9: Select the best macro lens
If you are going to get the best macro shooting, you will eventually need the best macro lens for each subject. For example, the lens of '100mm f / 2.8' is the best lens to catch the body hair of dragonfly.

10: Make the subject fill at least 75% of the frame
It is important to present the subject much larger than when looking at it with the naked eye in order to attract the attention of the macrophotographer. If the subject fills at least 75% of the frame, it will look much better than before.

by abiel-upt
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