Engraving a rhythm with a movement away from humans, the world's highest level of breakdance

ByDaniel Wehner

It was held in the NetherlandsBreak danceWorld Competition "THE NOTORIOUS IBE 2011It's a digest movie. Backflip, the bad world is natural. I decided to pose with my unnatural posture, turning round with my back, shoulder, head, (called freeze), and even a person not familiar with breakdance at all seeing goose bumps with intense movies and It is getting. Because of the speed of movement I can not convey its charm with still images, so I definitely recommend you to watch the movie.


A packed venue filled with enthusiasm

Teams to compete against each other in two ways

Team to unite

The battle is about to start

It bounces with Beyonbillon like a spring

Continuous skill one after another ... ...

I decided to freeze

Freeze in one hand inverted. I am surprised to move from this intense motion with dynamic feeling to this position in a moment and fix the body

If you think that this has come around with hands and head as the axis ...

We also compete with our opponent team and open legs with the momentum from the "Wind Mill" technique turning around the back as it is

We decided a continuous technique not going to the eyes and finally to the technique "drill" which rotates at high speed only with the head

Technique that rotates with both hands "UFO"

And from the spin on the back ... ...

Click and freeze

While determining the derivation technique of "Air Trax" which jumps from handstill to hand and spins in the air, the height of completion is almost perceived when it does not move almost from the same place

Keep in an unnatural posture for a long time

I thoroughly decided the freeze "Hello back" that can stretch my chest and warp the waist. When I get around here I get a feeling that the condition that it stands upright is normal

Not a gymnastics competition, but a dance to the last, so everyone keeps the rhythm firmly

From lateral rotation ......


A technique that spreads legs and turns with only the head "head spin", it is a tremendous revolution of face-losing faces

Continued spinning from elbow continued from Air Trax

"1990", a technique that rotates in one hand standing state

I will not forget the provocation to the opposing team

Freeze which shows high flexibility

I'm going to "rabbit" to jump while standing on my elbow

The gymnast also finished the battle with a pure blue 2-turn revolution

It is a refreshing sight full of accomplishment

In addition, the movie of the match pattern that is not a digest can be seen from the following.

All Battles All - USA Vs. Europe [IBE 2011] - YouTube

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log