I asked KDDI about iPhone 5 release report
Today Miki, Nikkei Business Online is "KDDI will also release iPhone 5 in November"We inquired immediately about KDDI Public Relations Department about the facts, the following answers were made.
KDDI Public Relations Department:
The report of Nikkei Business is not what we announced, there is nothing we can talk about. Thank you to say no comment.
Unfortunately, although it is no comment, even if it is truly KDDI to release the iPhone 5, as it is Apple who wants the opponent to pass the secretive principle, It is also a fact that it may become. It is unknown whether X Day of iPhone 5 announced by KDDI version will come or not, but now it seems that there is no need to wait for Apple to announce the iPhone 5 formally.
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KDDI version iPhone 5, this time it will be reported that "Release time will be in 2012" - GIGAZINE
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