Headline news on September 5, 2011

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:13 Sep 05, 2011, may contains some machine-translated parts.
If you would like to suggest a corrected translation, please click here.

Today, Toshiba is a notebook seriesDynabook Announces 2011 Fall & Winter Model LineupDid.

While powerful models such as "T851" which can enjoy 3D without special glasses and "T751" which can enjoy three digital waves can be enjoyed, "R731" has a particularly high startup speed, and for R731 / 38D equipped with SSD, 10 It seems that the PC will start up in seconds.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

Master who fished 1,000 different fish by only one person, unexplored world record - GIGAZINE

"Human meat restaurant" seeking to provide the human body, what is its identity? - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
Painful news (No ∀ `): A drunk house is completed at the Dreamhouse ... on the net topics - Livedoor blog

496: Nameless san @ Namida eyes. (Tokyo): 2011/09/04 (Sunday) 22: 15: 51.61 ID: + b39tVID0
Mold in the bedroom will be appearing as a wonderful home after five years to Before After

Americans are enjoying the hurricane "Irene" wolterta wwwwwwwwwwww: Hamster preliminary bulletin

I heard that there is a dungeon called "Umeda" in Osaka - Browsing the globe

Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: Please give this right girl erotic! It is! It is! It is! It is! It is! It is! - Livedoor blog

【Whole Plate Collection】 Useless Knowledge in 2ch, Collecting Images Sled: Philosophy News nwk

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
[Miscellaneous] Writing knowledge of poisons and poisoning cases thread: philosophy news nwk

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): artificial cell which grows with temperature change Team of the University of Tokyo succeeded in making it - Science

Masayuki Sugawara, professor emeritus Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, succeeded in making "artificial cells that propagate by itself". The raw material used is a simple organic compound. It seems to be a clue to approach the mystery that life was born on Earth.

Discover evidence that an earth's interior water reservoir has been present for over a billion years | Press Releases | Tohoku University - TOKO UNIVERSITY -

Professor Atsuko Kuriya of Tohoku University Graduate School of Science and Earth Sciences (present: Osaka City University Faculty of Science and Earth Department, Associate Professor) and Professor Eiji Otani is a team leader of the Japan Ocean Research and Development Organization · Earth Inner Dynamics field · Junichi Kimura As the joint research of the world, the evidence that water was stably stored over a long period of over 1 billion years in the mantle transition layer of the Earth's interior was revealed for the first time in the world.

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Common sense thought: [Society] "Molten the body with hydrogen fluoride" Searching for a tooth bridge from the forest found Chiba · Pachinko prize wholesale company president two people re-arrested in the unknown case - Livedoor blog

489 Name: Anonymous @ Tenth Anniversary [] Posted on: 08/06 (Thur) 17: 04: 23 ID: sgr2k + Ic0
Hydrogen fluoride is a powerful drug in a dramatic drug
I treat myself as dangerous chemicals I mainly use it when manufacturing semiconductors
I also understand well since I used to manufacture semiconductors a long time ago
Even if a single drop gets on the skin bone in the body melts and dies
So when I used it I used special protective clothing and gloves
Management was also strict
Where did you come from? Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it? Is it?
Is it an incident involving agents in some countries?

Painful news (No ∀ `): Minoru Hosono" Final disposal site for pollutants is outside Fukushima prefecture "" Pain is shared among all over Japan as a country "- Livedoor blog

"Do not be deceived by the world's surprising Japanese reference value of 2000 Becquerel" | Radiation will be visible in the eyes

【Number of seeds in 2011】 ~ Company stallion station station - 【Thoroughbred sale (Seri market) = Ma Ma] & 【Horse production area】 latest information by Ma Ma.

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): US New Tax on Jakarta, Amazon "7 thousand Employees Withdraw" - Business and Economics

Libya: "Colonel's whereabouts" siege surrender negotiations broke down - everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): TBS, temporarily not visible in Kanto broadcasting "EXILE soul" - Culture

Until the woman's sleeping face is taken without permission in the train ... arrested for suspected voyeurism: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

A vocational school student noticed a shutter sound and caught office workers. He said that he admitted charges, "I took it because I was cute."

Foreigner donation to Prime Minister Noda "Law amendment required" Chief Cabinet Secretary Fujimura

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Suicide landlord requests reimbursement for bereaved families in rental housing - Society

Komiyama Health Minister, motivation to raise the price of tobacco ... about 700 yen? : Economic News: Money / Economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

"Nuclear power always contributes 50 years ahead" Economic Association Representative Secretary - MSN Sankei News

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine, part of the main shrine buried with soil - Society

We are looking for "TEPCO's sin". Please write it in the comment field. : Kaenami and prawns!

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Featured Wide: Now in the age of 'pregnancy' Bright and forward-thinking baby making - every day jp (Mainichi Shinbun)

Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: (^ ν ^) "Another one o'clock ... Would you like to go to bed a little more" → 3: 0 0 :(; ゜ ° 'ν ゜'): - Livedoor blog

【Reading notice】 J ('-`) and Car Changer Sled |

9 patterns of men 's men' s coming up with women | Sgororen

[1] Everyone has worked at a famous company that heard.
【2】 I am on a cool luxury car.
【3】 I have played in Koshien.
【4】 I have intellectual national qualifications such as doctors and lawyers.
[5] I have an apartment in prime location.

On attitudes facing problems - Resident Early training materials

Points on the abdominal diet | information on beauty and diet

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Formally entrusting registry operation support service of Indonesian country top level domain ".id"

".id" can be associated with words such as ID (identification = identity certificate) and identity (identity = identity / identity) certifying himself from the character string and "company name + .id" or "personal name +. Id "can be expected.

McAfee Certified "Carelog" Spyware Certification "Do not share devices with untrusted people" - ITmedia News

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Aya Hirano flag for Gundam AGE narration? If Maji decides to be an explosive death! : Otaku. Com

【Hell Teacher Nabe ~】 survived the jumping censoring survival! [Part 1] - a narrative interpretation of purple

How was the most difficult shooting in history to be captured? ~ "Angry Princess Beautiful Birthday Death Label" Listen to clear persons and developersAbout the attitude of problem solving thinking from.

One Piece: Pirate Musou | Official Site of NAMCO BANDAI Games
It seems that premium video will be released for the first time at the Tokyo Game Show.

Adult circumstances when Urasawa Naoki's "Master Keaton" was out-of-print - NAVER Summary

"Ja Witch" where the sunny man cuts into a high school girl and came back! New work "Ojamajo Doremi 16" released in December

Togetter - "Sato Hidefumi" My income is about the president of a town factory "To live as a cartoonist? "

It is solid but it seems to cry Deployment: Nikoniko VIP 2 ch

Suke · ENI stock price plunged after announcing Dragon Qu X - ITmedia news

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
【There is a picture】 Mai-chan is steadily climbing the stairs to an adult woman | News 2 chan

9: Nameless san @ Namida eyes. (Kagawa Prefecture): 2011/09/05 (Monday) 10: 44: 33.60 ID: 2 dsui MSP 0
Who is this
This is not Mai-chan

44: Nameless san @ Namida eyes. (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region): 2011/09/05 (Monday) 10: 48: 03.69 ID: ahRfcykzO
Is not he anymore?

Nikkan Kirin Breaking News @ J Duma "Nishiguchi-san is different from the old-fashioned one"

【∵】 I thought that A-chan was a woman! Ikemen Paradise Image collection is here: Jajasetta

Oddly Round Point Why did Downtown escape from doing freetalk?

The reason for the end of "Terror of love" spoken by Tama - Tusca premium

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
2011-09-05 New items are released one after another, including "9 kinds of vegetables and a colorful bowl of chicken" using rice bred of funker buds! | Topics | FamilyMart

Refreshing lemon and rare cheese roll cake | News release | Corporate information | Lawson

It is a cake with good compatibility of rare cheese cream combined with lemon juice and puree with acidic lemon flavor fabric and pure cream together with cream cheese such as "Kiri". In addition, I cooked lemon slices in syrup and finished it looking fresh. The refreshing lemon and cheese flavor is perfect for this severe period of the late summer even in September.

News release "Potato Chips Hokkaido is Cheese Nori Tailoring" | Calbee Inc.
It was released from September 12.

Release 35th anniversary Reprint flavor 2nd bullet! "Nissin Yaki soba U.F.O. Kimchi" New release on September 20, 2011 (Tuesday)

"Nissin Yaki soba U.F.O." released as a good (U), thick (F), big (O) cup-shaped soba ceremony celebrated its 35th anniversary this year.

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Headline news on September 2, 2011 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt