Inquiries about conditions and duration of band limitation to mobile phone companies 2011 Edition
With the spread of smartphones and the expansion of data communication users for PCs, congestion of mobile networks is inevitable, but mobile phone companies are implementing it as a measure to limit the bandwidth to heavy users.
This is a measure for enabling many users to communicate comfortably by limiting the communication speed for users who are communicating more than a certain amount of time, but the implementation conditions, the implementation period, I inquired and summarized it.
The content of each company is as follows. Since it depends on the congestion situation etc. of the network to the last,Even if it falls under the condition of bandwidth limitation, the speed limitation is not necessarily carried out over the whole timeBe aware of the point that it is. Communication etc. using the public wireless LAN service is basically not counted as communication to be subject to bandwidth limitation.
■ NTT DoCoMo
Implementation condition: Packet communication volume of 3,000,000 packets or more during the last 3 days including the day
Implementation period: Although details can not be answered, temporary control without specifying the period depending on the usage situation in the most recent 3 days or the time / place where the network is congested
Implementation conditions: The data traffic volume for the most recent 3 days including the day is about 380 MB or more
Implementation period: Although details can not be answered, temporary control without specifying the period depending on the usage situation in the most recent 3 days or the time / place where the network is congested
Implementation condition: Packet communication volume of 3,000,000 packets or more for the latest 3 days (excluding that day) up to the previous day
Duration: 24 hours
Remarks: "htc EVO ISW 11 HT" does not include communications using Mobile WiMAX
Implementation conditions: More than 3 million packets in the month before last
Implementation period: 21 o'clock to 1 o'clock
Implementation condition: more than 10 million packets per month for the month before last
Period of implementation: 1 month
Implementation condition: more than 3 million packets per month for the month before last
Period of implementation: 1 month
Implementation conditions: more than 30 million packets per month in the month before last (when using our company's network)
Period of implementation: 1 month
Implementation conditions: more than 3 million packets every 24 hours
Period of implementation: 21:00 on the day to 2:00 the next day
Remarks: For browsing the web and movies, VoIP etc.In consideration of user's convenience, control to an extent that there is no influence on usageCarried out
■ UQ Communications
We did not implement bandwidth limitation from the beginning of service until now
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