Robot "PR 2" baking cookie strangely with comical and accurate movement

Located in Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence LaboratoryStudents are think tanks and incubation centers for robotics researchWillow GarageWhenNational Defense Science and Engineering Graduate School (NDSEG)With support from Willow Garage 's PR2 programming program to perform the necessary tasks to bake cookies, burn cookies on the robot. It is a movie that shot the situation.

Cookie-baking robot! - YouTube

A robot wearing this apron and a hat is "PR 2".

First we will put the powder in the ball. The character "8x" displayed in the lower left means 8 times speed.

Gently put the powder back by returning the wrist. Actual movement looks very slow, but it is running quite smoothly.

It is real because the face also moves left and right and gazes at the action.

I will stir it with a spat attached to the right hand. It's almost like a dancer, as the actions are crispy.

Mix well with robotic speedy movements and human-like fineness.

The same movement was displayed on the screen of the PC controlling "PR2" operation.

Inject powder further.

I will put in one more time.


I move the mixture to a heat-resistant dish, but it is quite comical as it is too millet.

Also firmly drop the part stuck to the bottom of the ball.

Open the oven.

I will go to pick up the old heat resistant dish with accurate movement.

Tightly grabbed ......

I put it in an open oven.

After 20 minutes.

The cookie seems to be completed.

An assistant man picks it ... ...

I ate thumbs after eating. It seems that it was deliciously finished.

And the end is high touching.

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log