Headline news on June 23rd 2011

Japan's only venerable monthly magazine published in 1959 "SF magazineIt was announced on June 16th that Hatsune Miku special feature will be held in the August issue of August 2011 (released on June 25), but the spread of information on the net and the rush of reservations from users It is said that an unusual reprint was decided upon receiving it.

This reprint is the first achievement since the founding of the magazine, and it is the content supporting the popularity of Diva / Hatsune Miku.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

"Mini vs Porsche" victory over Porsche by two seconds difference, Mini says "It takes 38 thousand dollars to run one second faster," Keeping silent in Hyundai - GIGAZINE

A beautiful picture taken by infrared shooting that the usual scenery looks like another thing - GIGAZINE

Data communication terminal that can use both high-speed WiMAX and wide area au very cheaply, finally started selling - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
I want to paint with a ballpoint pen in a cheap way: Hamster bulletin

Van Gogh "Self-portrait" 1 piece is broken ear round, beard turned yellow - 47 NEWS (Yona no Toshi news)

One of the portraits which had been regarded as a self portrait of Goch (1853 to 1990) has announced that it was one depicting Teo brother. It turned out by a survey of curators of the same building.

A painful news (No ∀ `): 20-year-old unemployed son Mother asked his mother" Leave if not working "and arrested at home for arresting luggage - livedoor blog

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
【Earthy eating】 Potential to protect the body from intruders such as bacteria and parasites eating soil - NAVER Summary

Liquidity Simple training to improve intelligence: Research results «WIRED.jp

Normally, intelligence is thought to consist of two different elements. That is, they are fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Liquidity Intelligence refers to the ability to solve new problems and to recognize unknown patterns in general. Crystalline intelligence consists of specific kinds of knowledge. Liquidity Intelligence is difficult to teach and grow, so among people's thinking power, the view that genetic influence is a big factor is strong.

However, researchers at the University of Michigan have recently shown that it is possible to improve liquidity intelligence with simple mental training (research papers are published to PNAS).

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Financial Services Agency: Prohibits joint guarantee ... Family / acquaintance without business involvement - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

Criticism of the joint guarantee that acquaintances and relatives who took over the guarantor take over debts when the company went bankrupt had long since been criticized, the agency reviews the revision of the guidelines before the Great East Japan Earthquake. In cases such as the bankruptcy of the debtor who was affected by the earthquake disaster, there is a risk of frequent demand for joint guarantor, so we made a rush to materialize the revision. Regarding past obligations, this revision does not apply, but urges financial institutions to consider paying to joint guarantors according to new standards.

156 m railroad rail disappeared and 110 sleepers too: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Two iron rails that had been laid in the 3rd sector "Miki Railway" (dissolution) of Miki, Hyogo Prefecture, which became a waste line in 2008, were kept laying (1 length of 78 meters, 260 thousand It was found that 110 concrete sleepers (one 1.5-meter long, weighing approximately 160 kilos) were stolen and equivalent.

Softbank grandchild president emerged as minister by the Kan cabinet remodeling - ('A `) <

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): suspected organ trafficking, arrested doctor 10 million yen for gang team members - society

Regarding the trafficking of organs in Japan, there are cases where two men and women were arrested and prosecuted as they paid cash to an acquaintance woman who provided kidney at Uwajima Tokushukai hospital in Ehime prefecture. It is the first time the involvement of a doctor has been revealed, and it seems that it will be a situation of shaking reliability over the way of transplantation.

The so-called "Kan Torashi" - MOJIMOJI's BLOG

"Why" 24 hour news program "is not there?" Dave Spector slashed the earthquake disaster report in Japan! - daily Saizo

- If there is a difference with the United States, what is the best?

The main difference between Dave and Japan is that there is no 24-hour news program in Japan. I will be following this. I do not have CNN or FOX. Not at all. There is nothing. There is no station broadcasting news slowly. If a disaster like this one happens in the United States, terrestrial waves will run for the first few hours, but the rest will be shifted to the news specialty station completely. The viewer sees the news there.

Monju may explode ... should you prepare to escape?

Huis Ten Bosch, the first business surplus since the opening of the park: Economic news: Money · Economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

Even without relying on the grant of the property tax equivalent amount received from the city, I attached a path to do stable management on my own.

The Russian opinion poll, the Soviet Union could have won a single victory in the Second World War: The Voice of Russia

As a result of the survey, the highest likelihood was Italian and French who both won 39%. It is followed by Japanese, British, German, Finnish. Polows and Americans were the people with the least favorable impression.
Overall, 52-60% of Russians were found indifferent to the citizens of World War II participating countries.

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant: Error in opening and closing display, contaminated water passing through - every day jp (Mainichi Newspaper)

In the trial run this time, the indication of the valve of the piping was reversed with one of the skids, originally it was supposed to bypass one of the four adsorption towers inside, but detoured three. The skid of this time is the one which started for the first time, and the worker performs an operation such as detouring according to the opening / closing indication, but it is unknown whether the display was wrong from the beginning.

Mail 4 times in one hand driving, Tokyo Metro driver: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

The driver lasted about 400 times of making and sending e-mails on mobile phones while driving in one hand from September last year to June this year. A driver's acquaintance pointed out that the company said that "We are sending e-mails during work" on the evening night, the problem was discovered.

Mr. Nishiyama, Deputy Director of Nuclear Accident in Women's Report Coverage "My Unknown" and Chen Zhen - MSN Sankei News

Nishiyama Hidehiko, a spokesperson for the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, reported on Wednesday that her woman's problem was reported to some weekly magazines, On the morning of the same morning, he revealed that he received strict attention.

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Osaka also cooperates and it's alright ... summer solstice, simultaneous light down - society

On the evening of the summer solstice on 22nd, the lighting was erased all over the country at commercial facilities, companies and sightseeing spots. In Osaka, Neon of the Dotonbori specialty, Tsutenkaku, Osaka Castle was wrapped in the darkness of the night.

Mixi illegal committing charges, "losing in shares" urged to close: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

According to investigation officials, Yamamoto suspects that in the inquiries on Mixi's website on the company's website, "I will claim 5 million yen that I lost", "this year's shareholder The general assembly is a blood festival, "he added. He suspected that he tried to threaten the cash.

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Four time techniques of people who do not say "busy" even if they are left to work one after another - Life hack blog Ko's Style

1. Review the meeting
2. Adjust the expected value
3. Advice and sermons are simple
4. Process documents as they read

Let's stop envying just the welfare of Scandinavia - dior of lessor

· Experience clinical training for one or two weeks in a workplace that you want in the eighth grade. Whether you are a police or an army, you can go to practice at all workplaces you want. In this workplace practice, there was a student who held the bag of the prime minister.

· A career guidebook called "What can I do?" That can be read even from seventh grade is published every year, and all occupations are introduced. The period of professional education necessary for getting a job and initial salary etc are written.

· Take the exam first time in the 9th grade. Focus on oral examination rather than written exam. The interviewer will be the teacher of the other school. The ability to communicate my opinion to the other person is emphasized from the usual class, and the skill to talk at the time of ninth grade is already about the body.

@nifty: Daily portal Z: Answering machine

What is an answering machine

When I was a child, let's call me that I made and made this by myself when I am an answering machine, here with an answering machine.

In my real experience, it was just to eat raw material, just paint and put it on. I could not use the fire.

I was supposed to cut my legs with diabetes wwwww - hula browsing

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
The flow when I create a rough design of a website | Design Spice

"Hayao Miyazaki actually has a cell phone" ── Ghibli's reason for campaigning with a net "forbidden" (1/2) - ITmedia News

Miyazaki Hayao is said to be turning his back on digital and the net, but I can not say it with a loud voice, Hayao Miyazaki actually has a cell phone. I bought it for secrecy to let him get used to it, but I do not use it in front of me. I say "I use it only in case of emergency", but I am buying it at a company, so I have a record (laugh). I use it quite often (laugh).

It is truly a coincidence, but that cell phone is au. I tried to make it an easy model that would not be too complicated, but I know that this model will disappear after a year and what should I do. It is the best as a bully if you can not use it after a year (laugh). So when I say "Mr. Miya", I'm not told I have not even asked "I am not using it." So, if you say that you need to change your phone type, "I'll bring it now" and I will hand it over at once (laugh). I think that I can not live without avoiding the present age.

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Enjoy the battlefield at the age of 66 Wacko Jacko Oya chan

Producer of Toho who has been keeping "Gintama" Too far away from being away from the site of change animal animation | Yao!

Meluru's Atelier's "Outdoor Bath Event" is too overworked wwwwwwwwwww: 【2ch】 New Speed ​​VIP Blog (`· ω · ')

Kishida Mel made it again wwwwwwwwwwwww: 【2ch】 New speed VIP blog (`· ω · ')
Halloween, impact great than April Fools.

VIPPER ME: I want to be a lover FF character

Male otaku began to "relate to relationships" - Polar bear waste basket (general affiliation)

Sideburns Chashu:: What kind of feeling do you sell people who are copyright owners? - Livedoor blog

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Oguri Shun: "The most scary is Moriyama Miyuko" "Cinema ☆ New sensation line" first appearance in the work - MANTANWEB (MANTAN web)

Mr. Moriyama and Mr. Oguri will each play Mr. Moriyama separating Heavenly King and Nancyosuke (Susuki sushi) which was one of the two players.

In the classic performance that was frequently rehearsed in the 1990 premiere, it was sightseeing that the leading actors played two roles, but this time they split and cast on each one.

JR Kyushu's "phantom CM" gold medal in Cannes, Mya · Hirasawa singing a commercial song also bless. | Narinari.com

Celebrating the opening of the entire line of the Kyushu Shinkansen, praise of praise such as "I got energetic" and "CM needed now for Japan" in over 10,000 people gathered from the line along the Shinkansen Although it got up, the CM won a gold medal in the outdoor division of the Cannes International Advertising Festival and a silver prize in the media department.

Facial fracture "Do not hit the ball" Tenri High-baseball club seniors hit their juniors - MSN Sankei News

According to the school's explanation, a third year student is angry at the second grade who was pleased that the content of the practice was light in the indoor practice by rain at around 9 pm this month. The two men hit a second-year student with a fist, and caused injuries such as facial fracture. In addition, after practice, three of the second-year students apologized to the captains in the baseball club dormitory say that multiple third graders beat three people's belly etc.

Third year student had a speech saying "Keep the ball hit during practice", but on the 17th, the same school discovered anonymous phone calls.

Understand at a glance J League 2011: 2ch Copipe preservation dojo

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Headline news on 22nd June 2011 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log