Headline news on June 21, 2011

NTT DoCoMo 's "My Area", a small base station for indoor use hard to enter radio wavesRevise the monthly fee for "Femtocell" from July 1stAnnounced. In the past, monthly fee of 980 yen (490 yen at Fami-wari MAX 50 contract), the contract administrative fee was 2100 yen, but from July 1 it will be 315 yen per month, the contract office fee will be free.

Each mobile phone company wants to have the base station be improved so that it does not have to rely on femtocells, but it seems to be necessary to use mobile phones, such as underground rooms and reinforced concrete houses, where radio waves are hard to enter It seems to be useful as a last resort to make it.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

There are probably no things to see in the school Sisters wearing highly exposed student clothes - GIGAZINE

The identity of the graphics chip set on Nintendo's new game console "Nintendo 3DS" revealed - GIGAZINE

9 foods with the effect of relieving headache - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
Chaos Channel: Teaching mysterious phenomena, people, events that can not be elucidated in the world yet

A spiral staircase with no handrails and no pillars, a story saying that a carpenter who came in on a flurry created it overnight and disappeared.
Even if adults climb ascending or descending, they do not work, but it is impossible to reproduce with modern building technology.
It is being reinforced for the aging countermeasure now, before the reinforcement seems to have sang hymn with arranged choirs on the spiral staircase.
(There are still pictures)

How to easily get a picture of a man - hitode 909 diary

When doing image search with director or executive officer, executive director and so on doing the job, a lot of images of the uncle hits.

This is like a principal. I tried various things, but the principal and the honorary president were good feeling.

Misawa Hom is too strong Warota w worse tsunami

Five nameless san @ Namida eyes. (Saitama Prefecture): 2011/06/21 (Tue) 09: 37: 35.71 ID: grdsjYab0

"It's funny ... Although my tsunami is coming, I have not bothered my house alone."

41 Nameless @ squirting eyes. (Mie prefecture): 2011/06/21 (Tue) 09: 42: 50.03 ID: pbtn4HTX0

Even though my house had a tsunami it did not bug me - Because it was Misawa Home, it was not sweet

Let's collect the face piece double piece image! It is! - Golden Times

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
World's First "Swimming Endoscope" Succeeded in Stomach and Colon Photography - MSN Sankei News

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
I will specify m9 (`· ω · ') Europe" Because we emit radioactive substances from tea in Shizuoka, we will regulate [whole food] from Shizuoka "We will also do it for bonito fishery. I do not know this is useless already

12: Nameless san @ Namida eyes. (Tokyo): June 21, 2011 (Tue) 14: 42: 05.00 ID: X + hulBFU 0

Regulation strengthens since it exceeds regulation value

Since it exceeded the regulation value, make provisional regulation value

Make PRCM of Tohoku Food using famous talent

Genkai nuclear explodes - eirene's memories

The brittle destruction of nuclear reactors is a huge accident that has never been experienced by the world at the moment. The accident at Fukushima Daiichi is serious but still 90% of the radioactive material is still remaining in the pressure vessel. However, if an explosion occurs due to brittle fracture, the pressure vessel will be empty and almost all the radioactive material will be released. The damage will extend not only to Kyushu where Genkai nuclear power plant is located, but also to Osaka to the east. Osaka will become an evacuation area and will not be able to live like some of the current Fukushima prefecture. Moreover, as accidents progress quickly, it is difficult to evacuate. Furthermore, the damage will extend not only to neighboring Asian countries such as China, but also to Europe and the United States

Governor Ishihara Governor Ishihara "Japan has nuclear weapons and it is good to draft conscription"

Ishihara Tokyo Governor: "Japan must have nuclear, it is absolutely not treated as a single servant unless it has it." "Look at the international politics of the world." Somehow, Speaking of mah-jong, I can go up with a translation (E Fan), but I know who is doing mah-jong, I can never raise anyone who does not have one translation. "

Continuing Nagasaki / Goto island companies since bankruptcy Tsubasa to bankruptcy: economic news: money · economy: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)

The company was founded in 1470 (the 2nd year of civilization) in Muromachi era where Nenin 's turbulence occurred. Initially he operated Yantian, after which he changed its business style and founded a partnership company in 1940. In recent years, he operated a supermarket under the name of "MARUKAWA STORE". In the fiscal year ended May 2007, sales were about 400 million yen, but management deteriorated due to the expansion of large stores, for example. In the year ended May last year debt exceeded, the store was closed in April this year.

Female police officer wearing a private clothes skirt ... arrested middle 3 boys studs with molester - MSN Sankei News

Sophia University law school student confesses drunk driving with Twitter "Today it is drunk driving, returning with a different route (^ o ^)": hamster bulletin

Horyemon imprisoned at the head of Mohawk, Hiroyuki also appeared and a big uproar wwwww: 【2ch】 New speed VIP blog (`· ω · ')

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Topic is that gymnastics that make stiff shoulders easier in 30 seconds are topical | News 2

Stiff shoulder
Recommended gymnastics like this
If you change the position of the hand obliquely backwards with gymnastics that use the second half arm, the shoulder gets messed up
The blood flow of the brain flows too much and it will make a lot of progress

However, the movie for mastering is rather long

Togetter - "Tadahiro Otobuho" I am a Katowa ""

■ [Diary] My unusual matchmaking · warlord false clouds or how can I trace the Sengoku daughter and live with her mother? 14: 50 | 2011-06-21 - Everything You've Ever Dreamed

Leisure time \ (^ o ^) / Breaking news: Now the only reason to train muscle → muscle is a lifetime fashion - livedoor blog

49: Nameless san @ Namida eyes. (Kansai · Hokuriku): 2011/06/16 (Thu) 22: 56: 03.99 ID: dKSMhAlSO
Protein protein is said but BCAA is not better before and after the exercise? Protein is
I only have taken nutritional supplements after dinner

93: Love for the first time in Nagano Prefecture: 2011/06/16 (Thursday) 23: 44: 39.47 ID: 7jXtonWT0
>> 49

BCAA and sugar before trees
After treating whey protein and sugar

It's basic.

Well, BCAA is terrible
It is told that it is meaningless unless it exercises a certain load, but that is not the case
Taking about 4000 mg, even small fish like me can handle as much as twice the usual amount

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
In memory of Motoazabu Haruo | Facebook

4Gamer.net - Unauthorized Access Legal Supplementary Declaration by Hucker Group 's LulzSec to SEGA who was victimized. "Strikes the guys attacking SEGA"

Up to this point it is the same as the case of other companies, but from this strange development. Because the hacker group LulzSec, which has been doing DDoS attacks to many game companies so far, complains about their innocence in the unauthorized access of SEGA, and the person who is thought to be the center of LulzSec will inform Twitter Please let me hack down the hackers who attacked SEGA 's server, we love Dreamcast and let me drop the guys', it seems they are waiting for a message from SEGA .

"Windows Live SkyDrive" is a new UI of HTML 5 - Advertisement disassembly easy to use, faster - INTERNET Watch

Dropbox Security Failure - Temporarily Require Passwordless Access - CNET Japan

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): First million books sold in self-published e-book US Amazon - Society

Digitized library of British Library Google, 250,000 volumes - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)

Facebook to top the online advertising market - US study - CNET Japan

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
"Magical girl Madoka ☆ Magica" The effects of Sayaka's transformation scene are becoming loud in BD 3 volume ww | Yao!

The Pokemon image in which the middle and middle hearts are tickled is an image of a quarrel 801

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
Hikaki child of Hinakaki Yoko: Sho-to - Livedoor blog

I will let you know
It is being broadcasted by NHK
The art of high school lecture "Calligraphy I"
I will appear as a listener!

[Dango] 34-year-old Ryan Dan of "Jackass" star died in a traffic accident - ABC (American Baka Comedy) Promotion Association

Nozomi Ohashi "CM annual income of 100 million yen" how to zero! (Nozomi Ohashi) - Women himself [Kobunsha Female Weekly Magazine]

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Headline news on 20th June 2011 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log