E-Mobile, to implement a new product presentation which is the summer 2011
E-Mobile, which was merged with e-Access of the parent company to integrate management resources with the aim of responding to vigorous competition among operators including speeding up of data communication service and diversification of services, will be available tomorrow 2011 It is clear that we are planning to conduct a new product presentation which is the year / summer model.
As a popular mobile router "Pocket WiFi" series, the latest model of the popular mobile router corresponding to further high-speed communication "Pocket WiFi (GP 01)"That can be used as a smartphone"Pocket WiFi S (S 31 HW)In addition to releasing,SIM lock free terminalYaOffering inexpensive "call flat-rate option" that can talk free of charge to other companiesAlthough the company continues to improve its service side, such as, what kind of model is the new product?
In addition, the photo above is the first Android smartphone company that was announced last October "HTC Aria"is.
Details are as below.
Domestic and overseas economic indicators and events schedule on 14th | Money News | Latest economic news | Reuters
According to domestic and overseas economic indicators and schedule of events on June 14, which was posted on the official page of Reuters, eMobile will carry out a new product release from 16:00 tomorrow. Also, it is said that President Senimoto Kusumi and President Eric Gun will attend the new product presentation.
In March last yearTomei Osaka areaized all the subway stationsIn addition,High-speed communication service "EMOBILE G4" with downlink maximum of 42 MbpsNot only deployment, but also provide data communication service and voice call service in a well-balanced manner by offering "call flat-rate option" that allows domestic calls within 10 minutes to mobile phones, PHS, fixed phone, etc. to be free up to 300 times per month Although it is the company that is done, I would like to expect new terminals to make use of them more effectively.
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in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log