KDDI launches the incubation program "KDDI ∞ Labo" and supports development of Android applications and others

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Today was doneKDDI's summer 2011 presentation, KDDI focuses on Android applications, services, etc., an incubation program "KDDI ∞ Labo (KDDI Mugen Lab)We announced that we will start.

Incidentally, "incubation" has the meaning of "hatching", and the term "incubator" or "incubator" has an "incubator", so KDDI actively fosters content developers ... ... It will be a plan.

Details are as below.
According to the announcement, the newly launched "KDDI ∞ Labo" is a three-month program that supports global Internet service development, including products and applications centered on Android, selected from among applicants To the team to provide expert advice from both the communication space within KDDI's Roppongi office and service development and management support.

For excellent teams, we plan to promote using "au one market" and so on, we will make full use of KDDI's platform network, seminars by celebrities and technical study sessions as well It is scheduled to be held on a regular basis.

For developers considering participation in "KDDI ∞ Labo", kickoff events are scheduled to be held on June 21st.

in Coverage,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log