Ultra heavy "G'zOne IS 11 CA" Movie Review, I tried dropping it or soaking it in water

Anti shock, water resistant, rain resistant, dustproof, vibration proof, moisture resistant, salt tolerance, and smart radiation smart phones released by NEC Casio Mobile Communications at the end of April are "G'zOne COMMANDO (ジ ー ズ ン ワ ン コ ー ー ー)"Was held today at KDDI's Summer 2011 presentation of the 2011KDDI's summer 2011 presentationso,"G'zOne IS 11 CAAs it appeared as a movie review will be delivered.

I sell things that are super robust, so I tried to soak in water or drop it for the time being.

Details are as below.
First of all, I made use of GPS information, direction, temperature sensor, etc. "I thought about the great nature far away and I tried using the tool" G'zGEAR "which feels the earth. By adopting Android OS, we realize the search function linked with Google Maps which we could not do in the past.

YouTube - Search for mountains around 'G'zOne IS 11 CA' unique application 'G'z GEAR'

YouTube - Search for altitude and position of mountain from compass function of "G'z GEAR"

By using keys on the side of the main unit, you can access any application without touching the touch panel. It seems convenient for us to be able to call Google Maps immediately.

YouTube - Access "G'zOne IS 11 CA" instantly from any key on the side of the main unit

And it is a movie that actually dropped "G'zOne IS 11 CA" boasting shock resistance performance. I was not able to demonstrate such as dropping on the floor from the height of the chest but it is encouraging that "even if dropped it is okay to some extent".

YouTube - pick up dropped "G'zOne IS 11 CA" immediately

Of course it is OK even if it is immersed in water. Why did not you use the name of "G'zOne COMMANDO" as it was ...... so far, it is a strong durable smartphone.

YouTube - Continue to display the home screen even if it is immersed in water "G'zOne IS 11 CA"

I tried browsing GIGAZINE. Every model from the summer 2011 model is compatible with "WIN HIGH SPEED" with downlink maximum of 9.6 Mbps, so reading is comfortable.

YouTube - Browse GIGAZINE with "G'zOne IS 11 CA" browsing function

Especially browsing will not be hurt.

YouTube - Try reading the presentation on GIGAZINE at "G'zOne IS 11 CA"

Also, it has become a smartphone pursuing usability other than outdoor performance, such as adopting ATOK for character input software.

YouTube - adopt ATOK for character input of "G'zOne IS 11 CA"

Product information of the summer 2011 model can be checked from the following link.

New model | Product lineup | au by KDDI

in Review,   Coverage,   Mobile,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log