"Steins Gate" A painful car & Joy A large matrix at the arcade with clear file distribution by the dock

Not only in Akihabara and Nihonbashi but also in the town we sometimes see "Pain car". Some officially manufactured by the manufacturer, some produced by the fans with love for the work, and if you see the works you know it is grinning, or a work that you do not know "Is there such a work as well?" There are also things that you admire.

Machi ★ Asobi vol.6Now, the animation is being broadcast "Stein's Gate"A pain car appeared.NitroplusPublic information specials ·Joy SquirrelThere was also a clear file distribution by Mr. Mr., many people gathered in the arcade.

Details are as below.
Machiavailable 6

Scientific ADV 'STEINS; GATE (Steinsgate)' official website

TV anime "STEINS; GATE (Official Site)" Official website

There was a tremendous lump of people at the corner of the Higashi Shinmachi Arcade. This is "Steins Gate" clear file It is a line of people who lined up for free distribution, there are also cases where a pain car comes here after this, people who wait and wait for the camera.

Eventually a pain car appeared from the entrance to the arcade. I can not see it being quickly surrounded. Traffic control was done immediately as soon as it was impossible for the arcade to pass.

Distribution of clear files also started.

Mr. Joy Mr. handed over the clear file to each one by hand.

Stagee's car, attend.

right side. It will be released on June 11 "STEINS; GATE Tachibanai Renji no Rin"Is being promoted.

The left side is the advertisement of the animation currently on air.

And behind the heroines are in line.

Joy Makkusu was shooting pictures for blog posting around that time.

That image has already been tweeted. Incidentally, it seems that the queue was as many as 500 people ... ....

There is 500 hot people in Tokushima. At the end everyone at the group photo ~ ♪ Joy ~ It is a great pleasure. Thanks (oωo)

By the way,"Steins Gate" Pain Caravan TourMid Joy Mr. Susuku moved to Hiroshima during this day. On the 6th, I will visit Animate Hiroshima and Toranoana Hiroshima, and on 7th we will visit Animate Fukuoka Tenjin, Toranoona Fukuoka and Gamers Hakata.

in Coverage,   Vehicle,   Anime,   Game, Posted by logc_nt