Full automatic ball machine that dog keeps playing while dying

ByHans Dekker

If you have experience with dog ownership, I think that something is true, but a dog is an animal that loves ball play. Even those who do not have dogs, many people have seen the situation that their owners and their dogs are playing balls in a large park.

However, if the owner seems to throw the ball every time, time such as work and hobbies is spared. So, if the dog puts the ball on its own it will throw it without permissionFull automatic ball machineThere is a fiercer who has realized a dreamlike life for dogs that has developed, and can continue to play in ecstasy with only one dog.

Details are as below.YouTube - Jerry needs no help playing with his ball.

My beloved dog's name is "Jerry". I will head to the camera with my balls in my hand.

I got the ball that I was sitting on something.

Then, the camera that moves to the sky in a hurrying way.

Suddenly the ball was ejected vigorously.

A dog that catches a flying ball well.

I headed for the car to run fast ... ...

I will set the ball again.

The machine on which the balls are set is hand-made martial appearance.

The ball is pulled towards the back ... ...

Momentum injection. Apparently it looks like a rubber gun.

There was a cutout like a dragonfly on the machine.

It seems that this blue computer part is controlled.

A pop sticker feels pretty.

The LCD screen shows the presence and absence of balls and the number of throws.

A dog that gets a glimpse of how the machine is lifting.

And at the moment the ball flew, Stachola and the dash! I'm thinking that I am enjoying so much because I am shaking up shivering all the time while playing like this.

Whether the ball will not leave the mouth, scenes where you can not set the ball well.

My son is also interested in machines.

My son and my dog ​​that seems to be fun from the bottom of my heart. If you have a fully automated ball machine you may be able to build a happy family.

In addition, this machine sewing work between dogs for dogs and making it for two years over and over. Considering the safety of children and pet dogs, he seems to have many safety devices such as infrared proximity sensor.

in Creature,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log