Late Michael Jackson lived in Neverland as an animal reserve, animal rights advocacy group PETA claims

ByVisa 89

I suddenly died at the young age of 50 at 2009Michael jacksonIs a home and cum-amusement zoo that lived before life "Neverland".

For that Neverland,A campaign in which famous actresses become naked to appeal against the furThe world's largest animal rights advocacy group famous for "People seeking ethical treatment of animals (PETA)"Claiming that" Neverland is an animal reserve ".

Details of the assertion are as follows.PETA wants a Neverland animal sanctuary | MNN - Mother Nature Network

PETA wrote a letter pointing to the claim that Prince, the eldest son of Michael Jackson and Paris of the eldest daughter, "land of more than 2,800 acres (1100 ha) in Neverland is to be a park or facility for animals" It seems to be sending. Prince and Paris who received this are rumored to be interested in this idea.

Neverland seen from the sky of 2009

ByWK Harmon

Mr. Michelle Cho, PETA, told Prince and Paris, "I heard that you agree with the idea of ​​making your father's Neverland a park or facility for animals someday. We encourage you to make the land a real wildlife reserve where you can take care of the animals properly instead of the zoo where the animals are imprisoned for profit. "

Also, "The best way to get realistic understanding,Global Federation of Animal SanctuariesIt is to become familiar with the Standards of Excellence founded by, and to engage in the operation of protected areas by visiting already existing reserves. For example, Save the Chimps in Florida and Performing Animal Welfare Society's wildlife sanctuaries in California. We advise you to start planning to eventually reborn Neverland into an animal reserve that is full of nature after confirming the actual condition of the protected area. "

PETA poster appealing animal protection naked

Meanwhile, an American real estate investment company that owns a part of NeverlandColony CapitalTom Barrack, CEO, on how to repair the devastated Neverland said, "Our plan is to work to restore devastated Neverland to its greatest former place"Bloomberg TVI told you. Furthermore, "This wonderful place is not only the beautiful spirit and kindness of Michael remaining, it is also a 1000 year heritage established by the Indian culture.We are just doing renovation and restoration work.Michael I'm just watching over what to do with the kids' children going forward. "

in Note,   Posted by darkhorse_log