Stylish bottle that can carry with running tap water "bobble"

Even without buying mineral water with plastic bottle, bottle "bobble" which will make water tasty by filtering water just by pouring tap water, before actual store sale in JapanFOODEX JAPAN 2011It appeared in the venue.

It is quite attractive to be able to replenish water just by pouring tap water at the destination. Since it is possible to filter the water of 300 bottles of 500 ml with one filter, it may be possible to lower the burden on the pocket as well as to lower the environmental burden.

Details of "bobble" are as follows.Water Bobble JAPAN

Bottle "bobble" (1780 yen including tax with filter) that delivers delicious tap water just by pouring tap water is arranged in a dedicated display shelf.

A built-in carbon filter with a light positive charge on the cap part removes water chemicals and impurities. Industrial designersKarim RashidPop design by Mr. is impressive.

Once you start using it you need to throw away the water and pass the filter through the filter, but just add water just after drinking and put it in, you can drink it OK. The filter replacement indication is written once every two months in terms of the period, but it seems time is when the total of filtered water exceeds about 150 liters.

It is a product made for the purpose of reducing the environmental load, so when you run out of the first filter, exchange only there, and use the bottle part repeatedly. One filter is 980 yen (tax included). Since the bottle itself is colorless and transparent, each time you replace the filter, you can choose the color at that time and change the impression.

"Bobble" seems to have three sizes, large, medium and small, but from now on expanded in Japan is medium size 560 ml. 385 ml small size and 1 L large size seems to be released in the future.

Very muchPLAZAIt seems that it seems likely that it is likely to be put in place, real shop sales in Japan will be carried out sequentially at PLAZA stores nationwide, starting with the previous release at PLAZA Hakata store which opens on March 3. Internet mail order has already been done at the site, but since it is said that it is planned to be placed at other stores such as design grocery stores and outdoor shops in real shops, people who usually carry water of plastic bottles usually check it It might be nice.

in Coverage,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log