Headline news on February 18, 2011

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 17:58 Feb 18, 2011, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Specified nonprofit corporation SUARL, in collaboration with Keio University,Demonstration experiment of domestic first (PDF file) 24 hour "remote sign language interpretation"Announced that it will begin.

This is to provide interpreters of sign language to people with hearing disabilities using the "UQ WiMAX" line provided by UQ Communications and the Skype video chat function. As a subject carries a laptop computer, interpreters everywhere You will be able to use. Whether a person without knowledge of sign language is capable of communicating means other than writing, regardless of time or place, is not a milestone try?

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

More than 100 sexy and cute swimwear shots including Vancouver Winter Olympics gold medalist are now available for free - GIGAZINE

In the streets and carpets of Las Vegas there is "a mechanism to make money to customers" - GIGAZINE

Eleven means for doing work and returning to a fixed time after work - GIGAZINE◆ Story (memo · various others)
Things that a survived fighter will tell ~ Selective bias trap - Feel Like A Fallinstar

The obtained data is only the data of the fighter who returned and the data of the shot down machine is missing.

When analyzing data, it will be ridiculous if you overlook the prerequisite part

The painful news (No ∀ `): Shinjuku Armory brother (19)" I saw my brother being made foolish, I thought I would show the actual wanderer happening "- Livedoor blog

RIKKA: I got to know a woman who can not talk
A nice story.

Vivuro: Please make this image look twice! - Livedoor blog
A lot of things that collaged the cover of masterpiece picture book "Guri Togura" appeared

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Bear: During hibernation, body temperature is not lowered, metabolic function is reduced to 1/4, animal's theory is overturned - everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)

Teams such as Alaska University have made it clear that hibernating bears keep lowering their metabolic function to a quarter of their normal level without sacrificing body temperature and maintaining their life activities. If we can apply the mechanism of hibernation that suppresses metabolism to human beings it will be possible to temporarily suppress the worsening of symptoms such as injuries, and that space travel, which takes time to restrain aging and takes time to move, will not be a dream. It announced to the science magazine of the United States science dated 18th.

In the common opinion, it is said that in animals the metabolic function will be halved if body temperature falls by 10 degrees.

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
NHK loses Kosui Shimbun, the second nationwide nationwide in the reception fee action case - MSN Sankei News

According to NHK, by the end of January this year, 1491 payment demands have been filed nationwide, of which 547 cases have been filed. The NHK Public Relations Bureau commented, "Kobe simple sentence is regrettable because it unilaterally acknowledged the facts of the defendant, and appealed."

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Blood from tap water! South Korea mouth and mouth disease, fuss about slaughter - international

Although various causes of contamination are listed, it is also pointed out that medicines that euthanize livestock have bottomed out due to the large number of slaughter. Although the government imported faster sudden drugs from China, the ingredients were weak, so it is said that there are successive cases of livestock being buried alive in various places. Lee Mamiyi and the Environment Minister said on the radio program that appeared on the 11th, "If the livestock is buried without being completely dead, there will be a possibility that the double sheets laid in a double sheet can be broken with claws and mouth."

Vigilance also strengthens that the seasons will head to spring. A case where the buried pig expanded and protruded from the ground has already been reported. If the temperature goes up, decay will proceed and foul odors will spread. It is also pointed out that the natural collapse of the buried land itself or the risk of running out due to heavy rain.

I feel that there is a possibility that another type of epidemic may occur.

Democratic leading executive consults Kan's retirement Komei retired to resign to accelerate - MSN Sankei News

Prime Minister Kan retired or it was pointed out that it is likely to take a general election for dissolution because it is dangerous to establish related bills. It is likely that the trend of resignation of the prime minister will accelerate at a stroke, as a result of the recent consultation by leading executives.

Politicians that are extremely confused

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Extraordinary knowledge I could not say anything to my mum friend Troublesome · childbirth · childcare: saying Komachi: major Oomachi: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
I got mad at the action of the opponent, I got angry with myself who could not say anything, and I got angry with the other person who became a source of trouble ... It was serious thing to become a loop.

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
The importance of "actually meeting": Research results | WIRED VISION

Meanwhile, Isaac Kohane, a researcher at Harvard Medical School, examined the influence of the physical proximity between researchers on the quality of scientific research in the research paper published this year.

Mr. Kohane analyzed over 35,000 research papers that underwent peer review and mapped strict places for each co-authors of each paper. Analysis of the data revealed the correlation between the physical distance between authors and the quality of the paper. When the distance between the co-authors was short, the quality of the paper (which was evaluated by the citation number of the paper) tended to be significantly higher.

The Internet has not developed enough to complement the physical distance

Google Japan Blog: Shops in "Open" can be found immediately

First of all, the function of "on-the-fly" that we began offering today can find the shops that are open now. With this, I got late at the drinking party, but when I really wanted to eat ramen on the way I could easily find a ramen shop now open.

Features that seem very useful when you get late at work

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Togetter - "Reactions of neighborhoods accompanying change of handling conditions of TORANAOH"

If it is not monopolistic, the shrinkage ratio drops · Forced return in 3 months
It seems that other taxes have been changed, such as the internal tax (six times in reality) written as stubbornly.

There are many opinions that "there is no umami on the circle side that performs consignment sales"

· Previous headline
Headline news on February 17, 2011 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log