Coated with 3 types of chocolate, heart-shaped missed "Heartful" taste review

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As Mr. Donut's Turo became heart-shaped, the limited-time sale began on January 26 as "Heartful" which was coated with three types of chocolate respectively.

Although there are various variations in the Pon de Ring, and although many other donuts also have at least two variations, there is no reason other than Turo "Hanichuru" for some reason, Anyway, I went to eat soon as a new chulo appeared.

Review from below.
Heart ♡ Chulo | New Item | Mister Donut

Arrived at Mr. Donut's shop.

In this store, it is only placed in some storesBaked donutWas handled.

So, purchase is completed.

From the left three kinds of caramel, strawberry, chocolate. It is 147 yen each.

"Heart ♡ Turo caramel" coated with rich caramel almonds. Although there is a coating, I feel that the quality of sweetness is close to the original Haniro.

"Heart ♡ Churo strawberry" with strawberry coating. Moderate acidity is in harmony with the sweetness of the churo fabric.

"Heart ♡ churo choco" of orthodox chocolate coating. The best match as to why we will not release chocolate roots from usual. Crispy Chulo outside texture and rich sweetness of chocolate are regrettable to keep for a limited time.

Also, the small red chocolate used for decoration has become a new sweetness and it is a good accent.

While it is crisp outside, inside is also different from Pon de Ring Turo that was rude. According to the information from the readers, it is said that "Cinnamon Turo" two years ago, "Double Chocolate Turo" and "Tropical Turo" for limited time items, but I'd like you to increase the variation of regular Turo by all means.

1/27 11:00 postscript
Since there was information from readers about the variations of Turo that had been sold in the past, we modified the content.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt