Morning rather than afternoon "Baiyaresu relaxing afternoon relaxation mango milk tailoring" tasting review

Asahi Beverage 's new product "Bayy Lease Relaxing Relaxing Mango Milk Tailoring" was lining up in convenience stores, so I bought it.

When I say Bayy Lease, the image of oranges is strong, but in fact there are many line-ups besides orange. This new product uses mango, adds milk there, "it seems that it is a product made into a melting pot like mouth".

Review from below.
Bayy lease relaxing afternoon mango milk tailoring | Bayrey | fruit and vegetable drinks | product information | asahi drinks

Mango illustration is drawn in the label on the label. Fruit juice used is 10%.

Raw material is like this. It seems that it adds color with safflower yellow color, so maybe it will become a lighter color when actually made with fruit juice and milk.

It is 52 kcal per 100 ml.

I poured it into a glass.

Thin and opaque yellow as when melting the yolk.

The taste is a bit heavy, thick mouthfeel, but the sweetness is very light, with just a melting mouth that does not draw back. As an impression, it seems to be okay to come out with breakfast rather than relaxing in the afternoon.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt