Why do I have to smell when I eat asparagus?

Pee may be a smelly thing in the first place, is not there some people who have noticed that the pee after eating asparagus is a unique smell different from usual smell. Actually, this unique smell genetically has no ability to drive only one person in five people, talking to people as "you eat asparagus you will smell pee", "That's not true" Some people may have been denied and denied.

There seems to be a lot of chemists who study this phenomenon in the world surprisingly, and it seems that the reason why pee stinks when eating asparagus has long been a source of controversy.

Details are as below.Why Asparagus Makes Pee Smell

The unique smell of the urine after eating asparagus is due to the chemical substance that can be obtained as a result of the decomposition of the component of asparagus by digestive enzymes,MethanethiolIt is considered to be. Methanethiol issulfurAs a main componenthydrogenWhencarbonIt is a colorless gas that smells like rotten cabbage.

However, in a recent study by Dr. Robert H. White of the University of California et al., The identity of the odor is not methanethiol but S-methylthiopropionic acid and S-methylthioacrylic acidThioesterIt is advocated to be. The main component of the thioester is sulfur as well as methanethiol,carboxylic acid(An acyl group).

Dr. WhiteGas chromatographyMass analysis reached the conclusion that "the identity of the odor is a thioester", but thioesters are low in volatility so many scientists support the methanethiol theory seems not to be decisive.

Methane thiol theory and thioester theory, either way, the ability to digest asparagus and discharge the ingredients that give rise to the urine to the urine has been considered genetically by some people for a long time. In fact, however, it has become apparent in recent years that "some people ___ can smell urine smells" rather than "someone's urine smells". The ability to capture the unique smell of urine from people who ate asparagus is genetic, according to experiments conducted in Israel, about 22% of the population seems to be able to perceive this smell.

By the way, this unique smell appears to appear in the urine as soon as 15 minutes after eating asparagus, so if you are anxious as to who you are concerned about "kagaku" or "not will", It might be funny.

in Science,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log