Start free download of "Ichitaro 2011 Creation" theme song, to classical songs to listen while relaxing

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Justsystem's Japanese word processing software released on February 10, 2011 "Ichitaro 2011 wound"The theme song" wound "is distributed free of charge.

Artists belonging to Avex in an offer called "Classical songs that can be listened while relaxing in a writing desk"Layla LaneIt responds, and you can enjoy music with atmosphere that Ichitaro user can relax back to PC. Because it is a classical instrumental, it seems to be a good companion for writing.

The theme song download method of "Ichitarou" is from the following.Ichitaro Web: Ichitaro 2011 Creation: '10 Xmas Special Project Ichitaro 2011 Creation Theme Song 'Wound' by Layla Lane 2 Free Songs!

The way to listen to theme songs is straightforward, just press the button of the song you want to download at the top of the page.

"Wound - sky color" was originally a song that Layla Lane was stocking, and it is a song by classical style violin cello classic guitar. The other 'wound - forest color -' was newly arranged this time with classical guitar and piano performances.

From today to March 31, 2011, you can download it for free at any time. Because it is a song optimized for "Ichitaro" which is a staple of word processing software, people who are planning to purchase "Ichitarou" or those who are not willingly downloaded to accompany the writing, It might be good to add color.

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log