Headline news on December 17, 2010

From Monday, December 20th, it was announced that reception of the credit card "Gundam VISA card" designed by Gundam will begin next week. On the surface of the card are original designs drawn by Mr. Kunio Ogawara who handles the mechanical design of the Gundam series.

In addition, the original gundam (HG 1/144 RX-78-2 GUNDAM G30th ) Was given to the 5000 first-come-first-served gifts, and the exclusive original items of this card are attached to the exchange prize of the card points It is included, and furthermore, in the one year from February 16, 2011 to February 15, 2012, an original gift is prepared for people whose total use of cards is 300,000 yen or more, etc., lots It is contents of.

From 20thSpecial siteApplication starts from the beginning, online entry will start from the middle of February 2011. People of Gundam fans may try a little bit.

By the way, GIGAZINE of one year ago wrote such an article.

Beta test of "FINAL FANTASY XIV (FF 14)" started recruiting participants from today, anyone can apply - GIGAZINE

FINAL FANTASY XIII released today, I bought it quickly and I tried opening it - GIGAZINE

Leaders in the world who quietly flee and defecate to the nativity diorama - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (memo · various others)
TweetBuzz - The low recognition rate of the CanCam logo of this month is great ... on Twitpic
Only the first "C" is visible.

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
【Overseas】 How many do you understand? Robots expressed in superminimal

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Display restriction naturally - Tokyo Metropolitan Assemblyman Masahara Masatsugu official website

It was a woman who is called grandson of Prime Minister Tomotaro Tegetashi, but since he also writes comic books, he said he wanted "Do not strengthen regulations." Finally I said that if you could see an extreme manga on Grandpa (Former Prime Minister Takeshita Takeshita) I would say what to say, whether you can not get angry with your grandpa, write it on your own. "

Painful news (No ∀ `):" Fire birds have incest, but they regulate? "Inose vice governor" I can not do "" If it is a masterpiece, no ordinance like anything "- Livedoor blog

@ Inosenaoki Naoki Inose Publisher is willing to receive the manuscript if it is a masterpiece. The ordinance is the next story. Let's start worrying after writing masterpieces. If it is a masterpiece, there is no ordinance. Even though it makes a loud noise, the rest is empty. To think about your own survival. I can not comprehend that the rivals are hanging.

Current affairs dot com: Abolition of incomes exceeding 4 million yen = tax reform · deduction for adult duty

. Households who are 23 years of age or older and have children who do not have regular jobs are actually increasing taxes.
However, elderly people aged 65 to 69 years old, students, people with disabilities such as receiving nursing care / support certification continue to be deducted as "specific adult dependent families".

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
I went to a rumble packing wrapping shop of a rumor (Excite Bit connector) - Excite News

Yamazaki 's lunch pack wrapping shop opened in Osaka - Kintetsu Abe Nogashi Station premises in October last year, celebrating its 1st anniversary. Here in Kansai only! So many people coming from afar, is the sanctuary of packed fun packs? .

Sapporo Snow Festival Eye is "Temple of Heavenly Prayer" Presentation of Taisetsu Oki Design - Hokkaido Shimbun [Hokaido]

Hanshin's event for New Year's cards as a station name of his own name - Railway com

Hanshin Electric Railway will display the desired name on the station name board of the Hanshin Train and hold an event that can take pictures on 18th and 19th.

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Yahoo, big nata to service, Del.icio.us and others abolish? [Update: Exactly]

Classified as abolition is as follows: Delicious, Altavista, MyBlogLog, Yahoo! Bookmarks, Yahoo! Picks

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Ghost trick for iPhone
The game of Nintendo DS released in June 2010 is iPhone application made in half a year after release.

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
X JAPAN, Tezuka Osamu "Buddha" The movie version theme song writing ballads News - ORICON STYLE -

The rock band · X JAPAN is the topic animated movie "Bodda of Osamu Tezuka Red Desert!" As the first visualized work of the best selling original! It was discovered on the 16th that he wrote a new theme song "Scarlet Love Song" of "beautifully" (released May 28, 2011).

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
2010 unfortunate bag reservation release! | Village vanguard general store selling goods store

With large response, release on Shinjuku Luminee Store from December 17 (Buddha)! & Launch misfortune bags you make yourself!

"Unfortunate box" who wrecked the fierce early in the New YearSoon from the disturbance one year

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Headline news on December 16, 2010 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log