Rather than memorize until just before testing, it is better to sleep overnight remember by the day before.

It is almost time for the entrance examination season to come closer, but just before the important exam, there are people who are nervous and can not sleep or studying until just before the exam. However, even in the train heading to the test site or arriving at the venue, "last evil" such as remembering words and years until the very beginning of the exam may be really only "eva".

York UniversityWhenHarvard Medical SchoolScientists have shown that the newly learned knowledge can be remembered more quickly and accurately after sleeping overnight than remembering immediately after remembering it.

Details are as below.Collecting your thoughts: You can do it in your sleep! - News and events, The University of York

Even if you learn new information such as a new phone number or a new word, you have to "fix" the information in a dictionary or telephone directory in your head and immediately "take it out" when you need it, your vocabulary ) And knowledge has not come to say. In the act of "to memorize", the process which should also be called "storage and arrangement of memories" occupies a considerably important part, but it seems that the ordering of the clothes is being carried out during sleep, the scientists He seems to have thought from before.

The Journal of NeuroscienceDr. Jakke Tamminen of Harvard Medical School published in the magazine (nowUniversity of ManchesterIn the study by Professor Gareth Gaskell of psychology department of York University etc. at the neuroscience · aphasia laboratory) and the research of the brain waves of sleeping person who is doing "realignment of new memory" for the first time for the first time , In this processSleep spindle waveWe clarified the importance of.

In the experiment, we first asked the examinees to memorize several new words (coined words made for the experiment), conducted the test immediately after remembering at night, then at the laboratoryElectroencephalogramI went to sleep overnight while measuring, and the next morning I tested the words I remembered last night. As a result, the number of correctly remembered words increased from the previous night, and the time it takes to recall each word was also shorter after sleeping overnight.

On the other hand, in the control group who took the test in the morning, took the test immediately after, tested again on the evening without sleeping, the improvement in the second test was not seen.

Also, from the brain wave measurement of the subjects in the group who slept overnight, to fix the memoryREM sleepIt is also clear that non-REM sleep (deep sleep without dreams) is more important.

Especially,Sleep spindle waveMany subjects who observed that the improvement in performance in the morning test was remarkable. Sleep spindle waves in the back of the brainHippocampusAnd on the surface of the brainCerebral neocortexAlthough it is a short intense brain activity due to the exchange of information at the hippocampus, memories kept in the hippocampus are isolated from the memory of other places in the brain, whereas the memory of the cerebral neocortex is associated with other knowledge I have a connection. In other words, new knowledge just before going to bed at night is temporarily stored in the hippocampus, sent to the cerebral neocortex when sleeping spindle waves are present while sleeping, can connect with other knowledge, The location in 'Memory's library', 'dictionary' and 'phone book' is decided.

This experiment was to memorize new words, but not only when you want to increase the vocabulary, but also the same theory that "sleeping overnight becomes established" in learning in various fields seems to be applicable. Dr. Jakke Tamminen uses chess as an example, "New knowledge is useful only when it is tied to knowledge already in. For example, in a game of chess, he says that the rule of movement of one piece has changed from today Knowledge of the new way of movement of that piece is compared with the knowledge of how the other piece moves and the movement of the opponent's piece and the strategy of chess he has worn so far according to the new rule It will be usable only after changing it. "

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log