MINISTOP expands coffee free campaign, McDonald's is doing similar campaign

Ion-affiliated convenience store "Ministop"Announced that it will develop a campaign to free coffee.

The convenience store industry is expected to become more stringent in the business environment after October due to tobacco tax increase, can we prevent customers from leaving by positively acting?

A similar campaign is also being deployed at McDonald's.

Details are as below.
Ministop, coffee free campaign from 5th next month Countermeasure for raising tobacco tax - MSN Sankei News

According to the Sankei Shimbun news report, Ministop is going to develop a campaign offering free coffee in the store for a limited time period from October 5th to 9th.

It is targeted to Ministop's website members for mobile phones and new entrants, and with this campaign, I would like to double the number of members of the site for mobile phones starting from April from the current 330,000.

The company president Nobuyuki Abe explained that "This is the first step to respond to the harsh business environment since October", and the decrease of purchasers due to the increase in tobacco tax on October 1st is minimal It is supposed to be an idea that I want to suppress to.

The major fast-food chain, McDonald's will also be available from September 24th (Fri) to September 30th (Thur) and 2010 and October 15th (Fri) to October 21st (Thur) A similar campaign is in operation.

This is a campaign offering "Premium Roast Coffee" for one person free of charge to all people who visited during the execution time. Details are as below.

A relieved relief for the arrival of autumn Maccafe "Premium Roasted Coffee"
We offer a free campaign for free! ~ Friday, September 24 (Fri) ~ Limited time period ~

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log