"Whipped Cream Oni Sheng Caramel Banana Souffle" Served with Serve with Cream and Tasted Review

From September 10 (Friday) Child desert new product sold by FamilyMart "Whipped Cream Oni Sheng Caramel Banana Souffle"I remembered that I had bought it for a late night meal (230 yen), so I tried myself.

Taste reviews are as follows.
Whipped Cream Oni Saka Caramel Banana Souffle | Product Information | FamilyMart

It looks like this, it is the same as the onion prime series so far

Calorie is 282 Kcal in one piece

The raw material looks like this, and there is also liquor. Perhaps scented degree.

That's why I tried opening the lid. Sweet and good fragrance.

It is packed with a feeling that there is a gutter

It looks like this from the top

I tried scooping with a spoon ...... all cream state. Normally it will hit the part like banana souffle around here, but oni Sheng will not hit.

When I dug further, I finally hit a part other than cream. Caramel sauce is glittering with a good feeling.

The impression that about 1/5 of the whole is banana souffle, the other 5 minutes 4 is cream.

As the taste is also mixed with pulp of banana so if you like bananas there is no problem. The compatibility of banana and cream is very good, slight bitterness of caramel sauce is accented. Because the cream is not so greasy, it was a good balance that seems to accept everyone, GJ.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse