Patents that detect and disable JailBreak users of iPhone from Apple, etc. appeared

Although Apple has been issuing patents of strange things before, it turned out that it has issued patents for distinguishing between authorized users and unauthorized users about various devices equipped with iOS, in short, iPhones and so on.

Apparently the definition of "unauthorized" in this caseJailbreakAlso, if it is judged that the user is acting to put an application not distributed via the App Store in an operable state, various functions are automatically stopped and the face photograph is displayed It was taken and it was noticed tweeted with Twitter that location information and call logs etc of Jailbreaking are doing with Jailbreak and that you are a user who is performing unauthorized acts via other similar services It is a mechanism to be notified.

Of course, the above assumption is the worst situation, it is not such a function originally. Details are as below.
Apple may be looking to lock out unauthorized iOS users

AppleInsider | Future iPhones, iPads can recognize, adjust for individual users

This patented technology is composed of several methods to identify who uses the iPhone or iPad, and it detects voice fingerprint system · photographic analysis · heartbeat analysis · hacking attempt. In short, it is a patent that detects that other than the original owner is operating the iPhone. However, it also includes even detecting suspicious behaviors like Jailbreak, and as a result Jailbreak seems to be judged by "unauthorized" users.

According to these analyzes, if it is judged that a user who is not a person who should use iOS device, such as iPhone, is using it, protects (protects) the data in the iPhone and notifies the original owner of the iPhone It is a flow. In addition to protecting data, it is also possible to back up confidential data to a remote server and erase data.

In addition, this patented device automatically takes pictures of unauthorized users, records communications such as key inputs and calls, and records GPS coordinates. Such information is notified to e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, MobileMe, etc.

This technology seems to be an experimental function that the setting automatically switches according to the user who uses the iPad, but in this sense the patent itself means that it is possible to identify the person who intends to steal data on the iPhone or iPad It is useful for enterprises that are concerned about security of enterprises and others, but it is likely to be irreparable if a mistake is made by mistake.

In addition, Jailbreak itself is judged as legal as follows.

"Jailbreak is legal" decision, Apple will compete - ITmedia News

'IPhone' unlocking etc legally: US authority decision | WIRED VISION

Exception added to DMCA, Jailbreak etc legally - Slashdot Japan

Will it really matter whether this patent is effective technology against thief countermeasures, which is the original objective, or whether it will be a technique to crack down Jailbreaking users as well, or it is just a patent, so it may not finally end up being implemented ... .

in Note, Posted by darkhorse