Yuji Oda starring movie "Amalfi" is scheduled to start from January 2011 with a sequel production decision, a series drama

Film made as Fuji TV's 50th anniversary work and released in July 2009Reward of Amalfi Goddess"Was produced as a series drama and it was revealed that it will start from January 2011.

It is the hero who plays the secretary of Japan Embassy in Italy · Kuroda Kuroda is just the marriage just announcedYuji Oda. Is private life and entertainment life going well?

Details are as below.
Oda Yuji is a diplomat, movie "Amalfi" sequel dramatizes (entertainment) - Sponichi Annex news

"Amalfi Goddess's Remuneration" is an original story movie produced by Fuji Television as a 50th anniversary commemorative work, and Oda Yuji very much liked the hero Kuroda "I want to dig deeper", and just before the movie was released This is the start, "he says that Nuance can not finish with movies alone. NTT DoCoMo is free to distribute "Amalfi Biggins" which is the introduction of this volume before and after the movie release, and the campaign also has power, and the box office income seems to be 3.65 billion yen.

The series drama that is scheduled to start from January 2011 is a sequel to the movie, and the tentative title "diplomat · Yasutaka Kuroda" is attached. Currently, screenplays are being produced and it is said that Yuji Oda will go into adjustment of details as soon as returning from honeymoon.

By the way, the movie "Amalfi Goddess's reward"Yahoo! Movie user reviewsHas an average of 3.57 points,Movie WalkerHe has four average stars,Goo movie reviewSo the star 3.5,Pia movie life66 points,Movie.comSo the degree to see with star 3.5 is 5, film critic Mr. Yuichi Maeda own site90 points out of 100 points outstanding in super movie criticismI have a high score as saying.

But,Yuichi ShinbaWith Mr.Hiroshi NishitaniDespite the director responsible for the scriptHide creditsIt is known as a site dealing with movie storyDestroyerOkay.Dealing with rare chopsticksis.

Will the drama be like delighting Amarah 's "Amara"?

in Note,   Movie, Posted by logc_nt